Chapter 43: Token

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As I started to wake, I heard a noise like paper being pulled apart. My face was intensely warm and I realized that was because my pillow was a breathing chest. I sunk deeper into Will's heat and smiled, bringing the earthy rosemary scent that surrounded me deep inside. It was so calming, like right there was a better tranquil place than some sunny sandy beach somewhere. It was delightful.

The paper sound crinkled again and I opened my eyes to see what it was.

William's strong arm was right in my vision and I studied the nice muscles for a moment before my head turned to follow its path above my head. Both William's arms were up and holding a book over me.

My grandfather's healer book.

"Morning, Love," he whispered and then put a thumb between pages and held the book down at the bed, other hand caressing along my arm.

"Good morning."

The daylight shone strong in from the window and as I looked over, I could see green treetops and mountains. It was magnificent. I was so used to gloomy rain and cityscapes that this window scene almost didn't seem real. Like I was looking at some fantastical screen saver instead. It would be like waking up on a vacation every day.

"How'd you sleep?"

I squeezed into him, burying myself in his scent again. "It was great. You?"

"I want to always wake up like this."

I giggled. Then I turned to see the healer book. "What are you reading?"

"I was looking up tokens. Listen to this," he held the book up and began reading.

A token is a small object that lets the healer concentrate their power from the universe around her, not just from within her own self. This allows the healer to heal massive amounts of injuries and never tire. She now is essentially a vessel for the healing energy of the world instead of giving her own personal energy to others.

"What does that mean?"

"It means we need to find you a token so you can stop losing your energy after every heal."

I sat up, dark blanket pooling around my waist and grabbed the book skimming over the words. "What kind of object?"

He sat up after me and looked over my shoulder. "It can be anything that sings to you. Last healers had things like a metal coin, crystal, anklet, or even a bird's egg. Just something you feel connected with that lets you channel the energy."

He flipped the page back and there were several artist renditions of previous healer's tokens. I looked over the skillful pictures.

"Do you have anything like that, that feels personal to you?"

"I don't know. Maybe." I tried to think of my belongings. I didn't have many coming from an apartment and everything that would have been handed down to me as a family heirloom would be at my father's house.

But maybe I did have something.

I touched at the picture of the crystal.

My mind pictured the little chunk of rose quartz I used to keep on my nightstand. I guess it could be a good luck charm? It didn't really have any personal significance to me other than I thought it was pretty and bought it.

"What is it Kara? Did you think of something?"

He must have felt my hope.

"I think so. I had a rock on my nightstand for a long time."

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