Chapter 42: Merris Residence

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After a fun family meal in the hospital suite, I excused us. I was all too eager to show Kara to our home after how excited she was to see it a few days ago.

We stepped in front of the basic oak door on the top floor and I brought out my keys. "Welcome to the Merris Residence, Mrs. Merris."

She looked over to me with a grin as I unlocked the door. "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"Do we need a paper that tells us we're married? We have to go over what makes a werewolf marriage again?" I winked and fingered over her marks.

She giggled and eyes dipped to see my new marks too.

I placed the keys back in my pocket and then sprang forward and lifted her into my arms.

In her surprise she reached around my neck, "William!"

I laughed and opened the door to our home. "I have to carry my wife across the threshold. It's at least one proper thing I can do if I can't get her a piece of paper yet."

She leaned up and kissed my jaw. "Very nice dear."

Her eyes then widened to take in the scene around her as I stepped into the living room and placed her down on the cushy speckled carpet.

"It's so clean," she marveled. She looked at the plaid sofa and tv with attached gaming system. Giant tan armchair and side table with the faux fireplace beside it.

"Did you imagine beer cans everywhere?" I winked.

"No," was all she offered as wandering eyes looked back into the kitchen and dining room, the connection we shared alight with joy.

I fessed up. "Okay, so no beer cans, but I did ask the cleaning ladies to come in while we were away and get the place tidied for you."

She giggled and started to the hallway that split between the smaller two bedrooms. "Yeah. I didn't take you for a neat freak."

To the left she peeked in and saw my weight bench. "Very nice," she spoke checking out the plain tanned color of all the walls and the shelves of treasures.

"We can get rid of that when... well you know," my hand rubbed over my neck as I pictured a set of bunkbeds instead. The weight bench could easily go down to the gym for everyone's benefit.

She smiled and reached her hand around my other, squeezing and then went back to the hallway and peeked into the bathroom. Then she moved to the other room, opening the door.

It opened to a room full of bookshelves and piled with her boxes.

She lit up and stepped inside, turning in a jubilant circle to see all the bookshelves. "Like you said, a library?"

I grinned at her pleasure, leaning against the doorframe. "It can be whatever you want Love."

"I love it." The bond spoke so much more as she gazed dreamily. Then she took in the boxes. "Mine?"

I nodded and stepped in. "I had Mrs. Whyte call someone to bring them up for us."

"Mrs. Whyte?"

"She's the receptionist in the lobby."

"Oh, she was nice." She looked back over the books, stepping to one shelf reaching for a cover.

Before she could get too sidetracked, I grabbed her hand. "You haven't seen the last room yet."

A slight blush pinked her cheeks. "Okay."

I walked her back to the living room and through the door there. "Here's the master."

It was a plain room, only one picture of my family on the black dresser under a large window. King sized bed with a patterned black comforter, white round rug over the same carpet that goes throughout the house.

She smiled, no words came, but I knew she was pleased. She checked over the room a feeling of joy careening through the connection into me.

"The master bath, and walk-in closet are there," I pointed to the open door and she headed that way and looked in.

She still didn't speak, but when she turned back to me, her eyes were glassy with happiness.

"You like it then?"

She nodded and stepped into my arms, burying herself into my chest.

As my arms wrapped her tight to me, I spoke. "You can change anything you like. We can paint. We can hang pictures, move furniture, anything you want."

"I love it," she pulled back, eyes now cleared of any trace of threatening tears.

"Welcome home sweetheart," I grinned and thumbed over her eyebrow to her temple.

She grinned up and bit into her lip.

"So," I smirked. "Have you had enough time to adjust?"

Her head tilted. "Adjust what?"

"To mated life. We're really close to a bed. When will you be adjusted enough that I can be the one who initiates?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

She laughed, then turned a little coy. "Well, I guess I could be convinced."

"That's good enough for me," I raised her into my arms and took the steps to our bed and toppled us both down, already kissing her.

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