Chapter 49: Diversion Tactic

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There were no more shop lights this far down the tunnel, but I could see the sunlight beckoning me from a point beyond and kept moving.

When I could see far enough, my heart overflowed with hope because just outside were wolves!

I tossed Melvin's body and his oxygen tank and started to run to them.

"William!" I called through the mask when I finally recognized his wolf and then flicked the whole cap off my head and let it clamber to the ground behind me.

Stop! It's Kara! And then he started leaping to me still in wolf form.

We caught each other in the middle, my arms wrapping the neck of the hulking wolf.

I was so scared.

"Me too."

His form changed under my grip and where once was soft fur, held human skin and his arms wrapped my back.

A whole minute we stayed in the close embrace, until someone cleared their throat and handed Will some jeans.

Will chuckled and grabbed the pants from a human Jeremy, quickly putting them on.

"Come on Love, let's get out of here." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the cave entrance into blinding light.

I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust and then noticed Eric in his human form, him and Jeremy both in just jeans, surrounded by about ten other wolves.

Eric came over with a probing eye on Will. "William, may I give your mate a hug?"

Will tightened his hold and then shook his head a little to himself. He released my hand and nodded.

Eric's arms came around me tight. "Glad you're alright Kara. You gave us quite a scare."

"Sorry about that," I snickered and after a reciprocated embrace, stepped back.

Jer hit my arm. "Glad you're okay, little monster."

I hit him back, smearing a punch of blood across his bare shoulder. "Thanks Bare Bear Jer."

He made a face and tried to wipe the blood off with the side of his hand. "I'm getting you back for that."

Will stepped back to my side and wrapped an arm at my waist. "Come on sweetheart. You need to go home and rest."

Garrett was now in his human form, just sweatpants low on his hips. "Wait. What happened in there? Where's Lawrence?"

William stepped protectively in front of me. "She needs to rest first. She's just been taken hostage."

I placed my hand at his shoulder blade. "I'm alright William." He turned and stared down to me. "I'm alright, really."

He looked like he wanted to explain that I was covered in blood and definitely not okay, but he closed his eyes soft and nodded stepping to my side.

Pointing back to the cave, I started. "Melvin's right there. His oxygen tube was cut in the brawl, so he's not doing well. He needs to get to medical professionals asap to get him stable."

Garrett eyed two wolves who changed to nude men a second later and I turned my eyes from them. Garrett's hard glance came back to me. "What about the guards? What should we be ready for?"

I pulled the three magazines from my back pocket and handed them to him. "They have large assault rifles. I don't know if they're loaded any more than this, but he called them glassalloy bullets infused with silver and wolfsbane. I am able to heal them just like regular bullets though." I wiped over my bloodied forearm where one of the bullets used to be lodged. "There were three guards. One I put to sleep, the others are trauma forced unconscious. The room is still full of wolfbane smoke." I looked over to the cave opening. "That oxygen mask I dropped was working for me though."

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