Chapter 8: Wedding

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A few hours later Eric and I sat in white wooden folding chairs, ready for the wedding. It was easy enough to convince Blake to let us attend after all. He was actually extremely accommodating and even happy to allow our rsvp to change. I guess to him it was like having the mayor show up to his wedding.

The march started and as soon as my mate was out of the doors, Eric elbowed me in the side. Like I hadn't already realized she was close through the bond.

My lips parted and a long hot breath left me at the stunning daylight sight of her. She was like a walking Aphrodite. How could I have forgotten how beautiful she was in mere hours? Her blonde locks curled into large waves sliding down over her shoulder, loose tendrils framing her face. Eyes bright and alluring, lashes full and thick against smoky eyes. The dress, a flowery lilac silk hugging her curves.

"William is staring at you," my wolf ears picked up John's tight smiled whisper to her as he walked her down the aisle, arms linked.

John apparently had convinced Blake that him and the wolf she practiced with yesterday should change bridesmaids. Blake told her they needed to switch because of the differences in height and while she scowled at John, she allowed the change. He had been linking me the last few minutes about her every move which I was grateful for, but her short answers to him when he asked questions made me grin. I think she was still angry with him for taking her back into Eric's office last night.

Her eyes scanned the crowd wildly and finally caught with mine. Those loving blues, so dark of a color seized on mine.

Holy effing Moly. That suit. She linked me and I looked down momentarily to remember what I was wearing.

"His name is William?" was her quiet murmuring response to John as they stepped. I smiled to assume she didn't realize half the guests could hear not only her voice over the music but even her heartbeat. That is if any were paying attention to her as I was.

Her breath caught in her throat. He's so good looking. Gaaaawwwwh. Last night's dreaaaam! Then she replayed exactly what she thought of that kiss to me as a blush crept up her cheeks.

It brought a grin to my face. I gave a nod as approval of her faux dream too.

When her eyes trained back on me she kicked her own heel, but John was able to keep her upright before she fell. I'd be surprised if anyone else in the audience even noticed as the bride just arrived and they watched her walk.  I'd only ever have eyes for Caroline though.

My mate's sweet voice whispered a slight sheepish thanks to John.

He patted her arm with his other hand. "No problem Princess. Glad to see you like him too."

I rolled my eyes at his pet name for her, but he'd realized it annoyed her greatly and he was enjoying it. Luckily she'd already been marked and he had a mate so I didn't feel the need to punch his lights out for it. I felt she was just annoyed, not truly worried about John so he could live for now.

"I'm engaged," she growled. I've told you that three times already loser!

He shrugged. "Not for long."

I had to chuckle at her precious scowl to him.

"Stop saying that!"

"Keep smiling Princess. Everyone is watching."

Her eyes darted around anxiously, but relieved to find that people were instead watching the bride. That was until she connected with my smile and went wide eyed and stared back towards the stage cutting off my view of her. He's looking right at me! He saw me trip. Oh my gosh I'm going to die.

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