Chapter 16: The Viking!

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William and Blake watched with curious eyes as Catherine dragged me from my chair and clear across the lawn to the lodge.

"What's the matter? I'm sorry I wasn't speaking!" I cried as she pulled me.

"Can't talk here." She stated and opened the lodge door, shoving me in.

She then pushed me towards the bathroom in the lobby, ignoring the watch of the receptionist.

She closed the door and locked it behind her.

I looked around at the basic stalls and sinks bathroom. "I need to powder my nose?" I asked confused.

"What's this?!" She pushed the hair away from my neck.

I went wide eyed with realization. "OH!" I tried to pull my hair back over my shoulder.

"What. Is. It?!" She demanded.

I gulped an answer, "ah, well, it... is... a bite mark."

She rolled her eyes, hands up in defeat. "I know it's a marking! Why are you marked? Who marked you?!" She then stepped back in realization. "Beta William." Her hands came to her mouth in awe. "It was him. Wasn't it?  He's going to be in so much trouble."

I objected, not wanting him having any problems. "No he's not."

"Yes, he is," she countered. Then she took a step back. "Is he your mate?"

I stood straight with my own shock at the word coming from her mouth. "I... I guess? Yes."

She shook her head. "He can't mark you yet. It's the law!" She pulled her collar away and showed the similar set of marks on the base of her neck. "I was only marked last night. Werewolves have to wait until after marriage to mark humans."

"Werewolves?" I gasped.

"Oh freak. He didn't even tell you!?" She worried. She grabbed my hands, trying to beg me to believe. "Werewolves are real Caroline. This is a packhouse full of them. William is one, but you can't tell anyone. You are a mate and he's marked you."

I yanked my hands from her. "You're crazy."

She sighed and threw her hands down to her sides. "This is why you can't mark someone before marriage! They're just not ready."

My brow furrowed. "I was ready."

"Clearly not! If he didn't tell you anything!" She paced the room. "When did he even do it? This morning? After Rick left?" She went wide eyed. "Rick left because of William?"

"He bit me the first night here. We just ran into each other."

She gasped. "He just did it? The... the..." she stammered as she was trying to think of words harsh enough, "the viking! That's disgusting!" She grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the door.

I dug in my heels.

"Come on. We're going to the Alpha. He'll reverse the mark for you."

I stilled completely, mind filling with clarity. She couldn't budge me anymore. "No. It won't be reversed. I gave him permission. I submitted to his mark."

"You couldn't have Caroline. You didn't even know what it was."

"I did," I countered.

"It doesn't matter. He's still going to be in trouble!"

Tell her you gave the absolute submission. William's voice was in my head again.

My eyes dulled and darted around suspiciously and then to her. "I gave the absolute submission?"

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