Chapter 57: Road Trip

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The next two weeks were a flurry of house painting and healing. William and I had painted the front room and master in the evenings, and during the days had been out to six of the local packs.

Healing all of the werecreatures at Fremont pack had been the most satisfying because I got to stand in the center of their holding cells and belt out my healing music, letting it flow through me like natural waves of the sea. It felt so fulfilling, but it was also the last time William let me sing freely.

Alpha David warned that I shouldn't let my true power be known out of Hightop. Even though Hightop was on friendly terms with the surrounding packs, David worried that some could start getting jealous. He'd had to deal with a little bit of that when he was a newer Alpha and my grandma's cousin was in the spotlight. No one came for her, but it did start pack contentions. He thinks I'd start the fight up again, and probably worse if they knew the true extent of my power.

So, from then on out, the next five packs I visited I pretended I was the usual healer and my hands went on each creature. They of course got their own quiet tune while I worked, so I still never had the tiring effects of draining my own lifeforce. It made healing take much longer than singing from the rooftops, but Alpha David warned that unfriendly eyes were everywhere.

Tarin lost her job as High Tech when Blake returned, so she got put in charge of getting all the healed wolves home. I was impressed with her. She was very accurate and kind. She even got the red headed woman on a plane clear back to her pack in Ireland. Tarin was a hard worker and always seemed to have great intuition, like when she sent me the bath stuff. I could see why she was Blake's replacement while he went to school. I thought maybe she could be good friends with me and Catherine eventually.

William and all the high ranked werewolves had invited the Alphas from every pack in a one hundred mile radius to join in a council meeting happening later in the morning. Eric wanted to coordinate a complete forest combing. They wanted every creature found and healed so this mutation would be extinct once and for all. It was a massive planning effort but seemed like it would go off without a hitch. Those with no creatures caught had at least heard of the effects and were willing to patrol their areas.

So that meant William and Blake would be gone all day long and Catherine and I were going to paint and decorate the day away.

Will opened the door to Catherine that morning and let her step inside.

"Catherine!" I laughed, "what are you wearing?" Silly girl was already wearing maternity clothes, front paneled jeans and a pink printed top that clearly had no bump to fill it out.

She looked down and fake pouted. "Don't you like it? I got it at the commissary."

I rolled my eyes and gave her a hug. "Of course I do, but you don't need to wear maternity clothes for like five more months."

She giggled with a squeeze back. "I know. I'm just so excited."

When we separated, Will smiled at her. "Good to see you Catherine. What are you two planning to paint today?"

With a sneaky grin to me, she told him with undiluted passion. "The nursery!"

My head tilted in question. "We already painted your nursery. Do you not like the cream color?"

"Not mine," she rolled her eyes, then stabbed us with her gaze, a finger dashing between us. "You two's."

"Catherine," I complained with a laugh. "I've told you forty times already, we don't need one yet."

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