Chapter 54: Headquarters

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The full moon happening the next day made planning difficult.

William really wanted to wait until after his forced full moon shift to go after Melvin, but I worried that would be too long. If DOSS's representatives believed he didn't have long left, I didn't want to wait the few extra days and risk him passing peacefully. If he died in his sleep because we waited too long, I'd hate myself.

But it was a three hour drive to the Utahn headquarters, and getting a hotel room for the evening was a no-go since a three hour drive tomorrow wouldn't be plausible for a jittery werewolf starting to feel the full moon's effects. I suggested he shift and run alongside, but he didn't like the idea of me driving alone. He wouldn't listen when I reminded him that I drove home from Salt Lake with him in another car already, but for some reason it was 'not the same.'

So that meant we left right away and would drive home as soon as we had certificate in hand and Melvin was healed. It might make a late night, but it was better than letting Melvin get a pass.

So there we were, just pulling off the freeway and headed through the busy city to headquarters. I stared around at the tall buildings as we passed, cellphone to my ear.

"Alright, thank you for that," I told Eric. "We've just made it into downtown, if it takes a couple hours to get through for the certificate, that still should put us home before midnight."

"Goodluck," he wished.

"Thanks," I said nervously.

"Don't worry Kara. You'll do exactly what you're supposed to. Just follow your intuition."

"I will."

"Well, I better go. Let you get to work. Plus, Andrea is complaining that I'm on the phone with another beautiful woman."

"No, I'm not!" She laughed in the background, but there were lots of children's hollers too.

He chuckled. "Nah, she's not, but I better go help her break up a fight. So see ya Kara."


Will surely heard everything Eric and I talked about, but maybe he just needed to say it out loud, because he asked, "so Eric tracked down Damron?"


Damron had mated a human that was already totally into werewolf lore and super excited to be marked, so instead of waiting for a DOSS representative to come to the pack as they do every few months to update the wolf registry and hand out gov-decs, the couple took the drive out to headquarters to get documented right away.

I continued, "They got their certificate five months ago so the process could have changed, but they said you go in and tell the receptionist that you are there for your marriage certificate, you sit in the lobby with about thirty other supernaturals and they call you back by number. A guard guides you down the hall to Leena Roth's office and you say basic vows, she signs the papers and then updates the wolf registry with the new information. He said it doesn't take too long after you are in her office, and Roth is really friendly."

"And you brought your ID?" He asked turning down another street lined with shops.

"Yep. I'm Caroline Peters. Basic human from Seattle." I took a second to make sure my hair was still covering up my illegal marks.


"We met at my best friend's wedding. And I fell madly in love with my wolfie and want to get married right away too."

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