Chapter 12: Dancing

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I felt my feet swaying automatically against Rick. My arms around his neck, but not pushing myself truly against him, it felt like my eighth grade dance all over again. Should it really be this awkward dancing with your fiancé? I bed... I mean I bet William dances like a dream. I sighed a lovely hopeful sound.

"Oh, Darling," Rick stated. "This is who I was telling you about."

I broke away to see the woman he was sitting next to during the wedding, now dressed in a slinky red number that made her boobs look really good. "Whoa," I said before I could stop myself. Wish my boobs could look that good.

"This is Katrina. She's one of Catherine's aunts. She owns a small pet shop in Olympia. She said she'd love to get us a good discount on pet beds and food for the clinic."

I could see the red hair and full lips resemblance to Catherine now. "Oh that's great. Thanks. We're always needing extras of those for sick animals. That's wonderful of you."

"Darling, I'm going to go get drinks. Would you like one?" He said with a laugh, probably imagining me with the cups from earlier.

"No thanks," I looked back up to the twinkling lights. "I'll just dance."

"I'll go with you. I'd love a drink," Katrina squeaked to Rick.

Weirdo. "Okay, bye."

I just started back up swaying to the music and then smelled such a beautiful aroma, like herbs. Earthy and robust, like thyme or rosemary. Oh Rosemary! Yum! My head moaned. My favorite herb. I took a deep draw of breath. I turned around to find the scent and William was only inches away now decked out in that marvelous suit again. Holy heaven. My eyes zig zagged up his chest and to his glance. I still need that nap. "Mr. William, hello."

"Miss Caroline. Would I be able to have this dance?" He stepped back and held a hand out.

Uh, obviously yes to anything you had in mind Sir. "That would be lovely." I put my hand in his and bit back the butterfly's assault on my insides.

He then lifted my other hand to his shoulder and rounded his hand at the small of my back. I bit my lip and tried to remember pure thoughts, not the burning that just completely torched through any butterfly left.

"You are a lovely singer."

I smiled bashful. "Thank you. I took lessons as a child."

"You look very beautiful too."

"Oh, thank you." I looked down to the modest blue evening gown covered in glittering stones I'd gotten especially for the night. Now I wish I had something sexier, or even something that made my boobs looks as good as that Katrina lady's. I looked back up and his face was a touch into a scowl. "Something bothering you, Mr. William?"

His face relaxed and he shook his head. "No, I'm fine.  My apologies.  Just thought of something from earlier."

"What was that?"

"Don't worry about it Kar-Caroline."

He started stepping us around and I didn't worry about it. He's such a good dancer. I giggled when he dipped me and then smiled as he brought us back up closer together.

It made my body sigh in relief to be touching against him. What the eff is wrong with me? I have a fiancé!

"Tell me about your family," he prompted.

"My family?" I looked up with questioning eyes.

"Yes," his glance sparkled to me. It sent my heartbeat racing.

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