Chapter 46: The Cave

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The room went chaotic for a moment as everyone tried to maneuver around a giant raging wolf.

Eric pointed at the opposite wall with a shout. "Bench, now!"

My thoughts were so much in a jumble about my lost mate, that the wolf wouldn't respond. I started pawing at the lever for the door handle to get out to her.

Eric had to Alpha command me. "You've been benched, Beta William Merris!"

My wolf made a low growl but submitted and trotted around the room to the bench. I hopped up on it and scowled. I'd have to stay there until I changed back, which likely wouldn't be soon with how my head was racing.

I can't stay here Eric. We need to go get her!

"We will go get her. But right now we'd go in blind. The trackers probably aren't even off property yet. We will make a plan of action and leave straight away. If the trackers haven't found the cave by then we will all make searching for it the top priority. But first. Can you get into contact with her? She seems too far for me."

I noticed his nails were subtly shifting back to human, new scratches left in the table in front of him. The thought calmed my wolf somewhat. Kara was important to him too, either as an old friend or as his pack healer. He would not allow her down with that monster for any unnecessary time.

I closed my wolfen eyes and reached out but was hit by a strange cloudy wall. I think she's sleeping? Unconscious again? The connection was there, and it wasn't black like when she's been unconscious before, but there was almost an interference like static.

"Is she hurt?"

I looked at the ceiling trying to feel through the bond and started scratching inside my arm with a back leg. No, I don't think so.

"Okay then. You can calm down and think about this rationally. We have a few minutes and then I promise, we'll go right away."

My wolf was still unhappy but was slightly reassured and slowed his fight.

When the out-of-control wolf situation was managed, Alpha David spoke back into the phone to his Gamma. "Okay Ronald, get the new team out but have them stay a reasonable distance away from the door. I also need our trackers out looking for tire tracks that have gone off road about six miles passed northeast Spring Creek. We're looking for a cave. Hightop already has trackers out too, but the stakes have raised. We need to find that cave immediately. Whoever finds it, they are not to go in, just report back."

"Understood Alpha."

"I'll be in touch with further instructions."

"Understood. Goodbye Alpha."

"Take care."

He put his phone in his pocket. "I apologize about the interruption." He then turned to me. "And I'm sorry that your mate is in danger. We at Fremont will do everything we can to aide in her safe return."

Thank you Alpha. My wolf head bowed.

Eric let out a strong exhale. "Alright. The stakes have raised. We need to get Kara out right now."

I volunteer to lead a team into the cave to rescue her, I linked the room.

"No," Jeremy challenged.

My wolfen canines bared at his argument. We will not leave her there!

"No," he continued. "I will lead the team."

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