Chapter 6: Caught

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I woke from a dream filled with piercing blue eyes...and touching. I gulped a fresh breath. The blue surrounded me, though it was still the middle of the night. It was that man from earlier. Gah, he was so good looking. I took a deep breath trying to erase the thoughts of someone other than my fiancé, but it was stinkin' hard. Oh his tight shirt and his stubble and muscles and-and everything else about him! And I mean everything. My stomach clenched and heat flooded me.

I got up out of bed and wandered through to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and pulled my hair from off the side of my neck and traced the crescent patterns. I didn't know what it was but I knew it was significant. My body screamed that it meant something. It had to be serious. And wasn't it so weird that it felt good? It hurt for only a second before... gah it was so good. I moved my hand down my body and tested a stroke to ease the tenseness, but immediately pulled my hand away and placed it back on the counter. I didn't know what I was doing. I never wanted to even try that before. What was I doing, trying it now! When my fiancé was ten feet away?

We were waiting for marriage!

"Forget it." I told my reflection and then turned off the light and went back to bed.

But I still felt funny and tingly as I pulled the blanket up.

I sighed and then realized I didn't have my grandfather's book. I opened my eyes and looked around the bed for it as quietly as I could. It had to be close, I went to sleep with it clutched in my arms. Did it fall? I looked over the side of the bed and even in the nightstand, though that was stupid.

Where was it?

Shoot!  I'd lost it already!

I got up out of bed and dashed my eyes around, starting to panic. What happened to it!? But movement caught my eye in the entrance near the bathroom. I sighed in relief. There it was. I must have been half asleep and took it with me to the bathroom and dropped it. I didn't lose it.

I bent to pick it up and a tingling sensation flitted down my neck. Somehow I knew there were eyes on me watching my every move. I turned to the left and there was a man! Sitting tucked in tight to my coat closet!

What the!?

My voice was poised to screech murder when I was pulled tight against his chest and a hand was covering my scream.  It was him!  That man from earlier!

Shhh... It's me. William Merris. We met in Casey Eric's office today. Well, kind of.

I don't care who you are murderer! Let me go! Get out of my room!

I'm not a murderer. I'm your mate. Remember?

My eyes widened. Not a murderer? Can he hear my thoughts? I said that in my thoughts!

Yes. I can hear your thoughts. We can do a mind link after I marked you. Is your name Kara?

My heart thundered in disbelief. Kara? How do you know that name!?

Is that your name?

Yes, but people don't call me that anymore!

Then Ralph is your grandfather? Right?

I got goosebumps up my arms. Yes...but wait! How do you know all this? I didn't even talk to you!

Your grandfather was a werewolf, part of this pack. Like me. Like you.

Like me? You're crazy buddy.

Not crazy. Your mate.

I tried desperately to take it all in. To make sense of this world. Werewolves? Mind reading?! But then...



I get it! 

A smile flooded over my face and his hand gently pulled away when he felt my cheeks pull. It's a dream!  And then I crashed my lips against his. Frantic to feel this gorgeous man's lips finally against mine, even if it was for only a fading moment at night.

Whoa! Was his single thought before he was kissing me back.  Oh gosh, the feel was better than I imagined.  Heavenly!

My hands raced against his stubble and into his hair and I deepened the kiss in need.

Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't we talk first? His laughing thought broke through my haze of a head.

No. Shush. My lucid dreams don't last very long. Just kiss me.

My hands were all over him and I pressed myself tighter against his chest, my body rocking against his lap.

He smiled into the kiss. Kara, sweetheart, I love this, but it isn't a dream. Maybe you should slow down.

No. It's a dream. Werewolves? You know my grandfather? Calling me Kara? Hearing thoughts? Definitely dream. So shut up and touch me. I pictured his hand exactly where I wanted.

His lips turned to a smile against my kissing. I can't say no to you love.

He complied.

Oh gahhh. William!

His touch knew exactly what my naïve fingers didn't. We were kissing and he was touching and I was in rapture. And it was only a minute before something built within me and exploded out in a breathtaking feeling I never would be able to understand nor recall in the morning.

I pulled away from his lips and panted, my head going to his muscular shoulder.

He caressed down my hair and kissed my forehead. Sleep my girl.  There was power backing his words.

Darkness started swirling my vision and I thanked everything that was holy that my lucid dream lasted through that far.

Please let me remember this tomorrow.

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