Chapter 53: Theory

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I punched in the security numbers to the dungeon and sped down the stairs.

Guard Ryan was there at the bottom. "Caroline? What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to heal them," I panted, trying to get past.

He grabbed my wrist. "I'm sorry. I can't let you be down here without Beta William."

I turned to him, momentarily distracted. "Huh? Why not?"

"You do not have proper authority to be down here alone."

What kind of old-fashioned crap was that? "Excuse me? Am I too woman to be down here? Uh, news flash Ryan, I have plenty of authority to be down here." My voice turned belligerent. "I healed like ten of those wolves. And I healed you! Now get your hand off me!" I pulled away.

"I'm going to have to report this Caroline," he threatened softly.

"Report this," I said irritably and touched his arm, sending him falling down to sleep.

I walked on to the center of the room with wolves and men starting to inch up on me. "Tell William if you must but come any closer and you all are taking a nap."

One brown wolf turned eyes to a sleeping Ryan crumpled to the tile floor.

I then let the wolves go out of focus, in favor of the werecreatures. My heart started to race, and my breathing picked up speed. It was time to put my theory into action.

Could I heal with singing instead?

I took off my wedding band and placed it in my pocket. I needed to have an adequate test to see if I needed the ruby too.

And I closed my eyes and brought the song from the depths of my belly, singing Newsies again like I had in the cavern when I felt that energy rage through me.

♪ Now is the time to seize the day,
Stare down the odds and seize the day.
Minute by minute, that's how you win it,
We will find a way, but let us seize the day. ♪

The chattering of the werecreatures in the cages grew, the noise became a roar of buzzing as they paced.

As I continued, they started dropping to the floor one by one, screeching their own song of pain. I loudened like I needed to let them hear over their own yowls.

♪ Courage cannot erase our fear
Courage is when we face our fear! ♪

Power rolled across me and goosebumps danced down my arms with a strong tingling sensation. I could feel the universe coming through me, and I allowed myself open and let it crash into me. I held my arms open and out to my sides, feeling the bolt flow through me strong and rocketing about to all the creatures around me.

William and the others from council made it down to the dungeon floor then, all faces deeply set in wonder as they took in the sight before them.

Some guardian men and wolves bent to a knee under the rush of power surrounding them. Werecreatures in the cells, all perfectly still to their floor. Bones snapping and popping the only sounds backing up my voice.

I held my hand out to William and he took tentative steps to me, placing his hand in mine. When he did I closed my eyes in appreciation. He helped center the flow, though he didn't need to be there, he was tied to me now and everything would always be easier with him near.

♪ Behold the brave battalion that stands side by side
Too few in number and too proud to hide. ♪

William stared around wide eyed, marveling at all the creatures now becoming their human counterpart in each cell. My eyes focused beyond in concentration of the song, bringing it to a close.

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