Chapter 40: The New Pack Healer

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Groaning, I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital like set up and I was alone, but I could hear William's voice close. It caused a smile over my groggy face.

I flung my legs over the side of the hospital bed and stretched my arms high, letting the tension in my back and arms weaken. I really should not have done that stupid climb on my own, so soon after healing those men.

Frowning, I thought to all the wolves still trapped in that sick form. How long would it take me to get through them all if I passed out after even five?

But I shook the thought off and wanted to get to William. Checking over the tube in my arm, I realized I was attached to a saline drip and knew I shouldn't, but pulled it out on my own. My face wrenched into a grimace and then softened as my natural healing closed up the wound.

It was still so cool that I could heal like that.

I wasn't in my own clothes, just some neutral grey sweats but there were flats to wear as shoes beside the bed, so I assumed those were for me as well. Slipping them on, I wandered out in the hall to find Will.

I hadn't made it two steps out when I saw Will and his family in the room across the hall. A subconscious smile lit my face as I watched through the window.

They were all huddled together on the hospital bed, William's brother at the center of a very perfect family hug circle. His mother was crying tears of joy and his father was desperately trying to control his breathing to not break down too.

It made my arms prickle with goosebumps knowing the love that their family shared and how joyful they were to be back together. Love blossomed over my heart in longing for that feeling. I missed my family so desperately and I wished so intently for what William had. My emotions bubbled from me in strong waves of longing.

But I didn't want to disturb them, interrupt that perfect family time. I would surely be invited into the circle with open arms, but I still felt a tinge of awkwardness that I shouldn't be allowed in that very personal moment, when I had only pushed myself into part of their family through Will's bite.

His parents accepted me right away. Surely his brother would too. Wouldn't he?

Before I could even take one step to see, I was thrust into my own mind, the healer stepping forward.

I turned to where she was leading me, marching purposefully through the hallways and down an adjacent corridor. A few nurses and guests watched my walk and studied me as I strode, but none made a move to stop my direct path.

Opening the heavy metal door to a white hospital room, I took in the chaos around me.

A hospital bed, now empty, was saturated with blood and deep striped cuts from wolf claws that had torn clear to the springs. A mid-twenties man dressed in hospital scrubs lay unconscious slumped against the wall. Two female nurses and one male doctor surrounded a large female wolf in the corner. All were coated in blood and the wolf had a dripping open incision across her very pregnant belly. She was growling a warning so fierce, she was nearly in her own trance of pain and scare.

Yet the medics continued their cage of her, doctor proceeding forward with a sedative.

"Stop," I commanded their advances.

The three turned to me, strange looks of trepidation across their faces.

"Let her breathe, she is frightened. Step back. Do not use that sedative."

The doctor, a late fourties man in green scrubs and masked up, dark long hair tied in a bun below his head scarf, gave a glance to my clothing and then commanded the nurses, "Ladies please escort this patient back to her room."

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