Chapter 13: Fine, it's not a dream.

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Caroline, love. Wake up.

My thoughts started to come around.


William! I practically screamed in my own head and hurriedly and sprinted out of bed. I stopped in front of the closet with a large grin plastered across my face, but it fell as the closet was empty. "William?"

Shhh... in your head love.

Where are you?

You need to open the room connector. Do it quietly. A picture of a door flashed through my head and I turned to where it was near the tv.

Yes, that one.

I unlocked it and William was standing there, in just his sexy grey sweatpants. William!

Hey sweetheart.

I then jumped into his arms, wrapping my bare legs around him and kissing him strong.

His mind laughed as he caught me and returned my kisses. He held me up with one arm and silently closed the two doors between the rooms.

He then carried us to the bed in the new room and pressed me down into it.

My hands started roaming his shirtless frame. You were driving me crazy today.

I was? How about you in those gorgeous gowns and then that beautiful voice?

Shush. Just kiss me.

His lips turned to a smile, but I kept on kissing at the sides of his mouth.

"I think we should talk," he whispered.

"Less talking. More kissing." I pulled his lips back to mine.

I know about your childhood. I know you're a healer. Ralph wanted you to have that book because you healed Eric when you were young.

Don't talk about them. I rolled us so I was leaning over him now. I sat up on his waist and pulled the sleep shirt I was wearing over my head.

His eyes widened, taking in my matching black lacy underwear set that I wore to bed. I was exceptionally glad my dream remembered them instead of my normal basic whites. "Kara?" His eyes speckled gold and suddenly I was pulled against him, kissing ferociously.

My hands were all over him and his traced every bare curve, making me pull my lips away to moan. Then I regained myself and started touching kisses down his jaw and neck. My teeth then pressed against his shoulder softly and he breathed out his own sound of pleasure.

Then I was on my back and he was following my lead, placing kisses down my exposed neck. He latched on to his previous marks and euphoria filled me like a warm drink sliding down me.

I wanted more.

My hands slipped to his sweats and started pressing them down his hips.

Suddenly he stiffened, one hand around mine.

He then sat back on his knees, pressing my hands to my own stomach.

What? I asked feeling rejected.

We can't. Not while you still have him. And not while you still think this is a dream.

I sat up to follow him and grab again at his sweats. A teasing smile emerged. Fine it's not a dream. Now let's...

No. He grabbed my hands in his. Kara, sweetheart, stop. You'll be angry with yourself in the morning.

No I wont.

You'll be angry when you find out you're really awake.

We're talking in my mind. I'm not awake!

He grinned and gave me a chaste kiss. "You heard me and Eric both in your mind today. It wasn't a dream then."

"I made it up. Now kiss me."

He sat back with a silly smile. "I do like you begging, but no. I want you to really be aware when we finally do that. Plus we need to talk about you being a healer."

"Ugh. Fine!" I rolled out from under him and started walking the room back to the connecting door.

"Where are you going?" He was suddenly in front of the door, alarmed.

Move that fast? Duh. Obviously dream. "I'm going to Rick. If you won't do anything at least I'll make the most of this lucid dream while it lasts."

"No!" He whisper shouted. Kara, please no. Don't go back to him.

I pressed my body against his and smiled, my lips tracing his stubbly jaw. Then you take me.

He sighed, his whole body heaving in inner pain. Sweetheart, I really want to. But you'll be mad.

No I won't.

Yes, you will.

"Ugh!" I groaned and rolled my eyes. Then I stepped to the hallway door. There's someone on this floor that will!

Kara. Don't you dare. He stepped after me, eyes starting to burn fully gold. You're mine.

My grin appeared as the room became clearer to me. Appeal for him, tingled through my veins. Sounds even strengthened. I then took off the remaining clothing barriers, letting them drop to the floor. Then take. What's. Yours. Mate.

I was abruptly in his arms, his mouth on mine, then pushed down on the bed. His kisses lowered down my chest. You just remember I tried to stop us.

I promise.

His sweats then came off, bringing a smirk to my face.

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