Chapter 41: Bare Bear Jer

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"So I guess I'm out of a job?" Dr. Nyx shook my hand, while Kara cooed over the new babies.

"No," I countered. "Hightop still needs you. She may be able to heal, but she still needed your help for the incision."

He turned to watch her as well, a soft marvel to his voice. "I don't think she needed me for that either."

It made sense. She was a vet, she had probably done plenty of surgeries as well. "No, we still need you. She can't do it all." I didn't want to mention that she loses her energy so quickly. With a pack of this size, she'd always be overworked.

We watched her swaddling the baby girl and singing sweetly to her and I felt a pang of longing. She would make a wonderful mother someday. And when that day would come, she'd need Dr. Nyx.

She held the wrapped bundle out to the Stollers and smiled. I couldn't help feeling a stab of jealousy when I saw the family so happy. Mother lifted in the hospital bed, father beside stroking down mother's arms. One pink armful. One blue armful. Family.

I never wanted anything so much.

Kara said goodbye to the family and nurses, and then walked over to us.

Dr. Nyx excused himself. I could tell that he was still feeling that his position had been usurped. But I could also sense the wonderment he had of my mate. The help she would be to future patients. He knew she was a vital part, but anyone would feel resentful of someone coming along and taking their well-earned position.

"Hi," Kara wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled, the shy side of her coming forward.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Hi."

"We should let them rest alone."

I nodded and grabbed her hand, guiding her from the room. "Jer's waiting for us back at his room."

We started walking that way. "Is he okay?"

"With your help he's now the same ole' Jer."

"That's good."

A minute later we were stepping into his room.

My mom rushed at Kara and wrapped her in a hug, her head buried in Kara's shoulder. Kara gave a shock and then smiled and patted her back. "Hi Mom."

Mom was sniffling again, a new rain of tears flowing as she pulled back and touched at Kara's cheek. "You special girl. Thank you for finding our Jeremy."

"Welcome," she said delicately and then turned to Jer sitting up in the bent hospital bed.

I took Kara's hand and pulled her from Mom and to Jer's side. "This is Jeremy. My brother."

Jeremy smirked. "Older. Wiser. Better looking...."

"Not anymore old man," I countered with a chuckle looking over his skinny frame.

"Hey," he complained. "Give me a month. My sexy muscles will come back." He then eyed Kara. "Hey girl."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kara." She said pleasantly and then held her hand out to shake.

He snorted and rolled his eyes, trying to sit up higher. "Don't tell me you don't remember me, babe."

Her glance darted to me and then around the room as if that would help her. "Should I?" She was confused, as me and her certainly didn't remember each other and placed her hand back at her side.

"Oh come on girl. You and Eric were the bane of me and Jared's existence."

Her brows came down, trying to puzzle the pieces out. She turned her head to me. I know him?

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