Chapter 33: To Collect Her

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The video had been over for an hour now, but I hadn't wanted to move. I looked down to pajamaed Kara asleep in my arms, her waving curls sliding over her delicate face, arms wrapped snugly around my torso and legs bent down the couch. Having her so close was therapeutic to our bond after she kept trying to pull away from it the last few days. Sure, I told her I'd wait for as long as she needed, but I'd caught enough glimpses of her not wanting to deny the connection today that I believe she had finally chosen to fully accept. So I couldn't imagine wanting to move her now.

But it was nearing time I must. I glanced to the single bathroom door. I probably couldn't deny my need very much longer.

I took one last gaze upon her and sighed, then lifted her up and slid out from under her. I brought her up into my arms and carried her through the small apartment to bed.

Placing her down against her pillow, I pulled the blanket to her shoulder and kissed her forehead. My heart spilled with love for her even after only the few days of her near. I had always wished for a mate but didn't think it was possible. I had tried to appease my need of companionship early in my twenties, but I just never felt I could settle with anyone. Now I knew why. She was still out there waiting for me.

I turned to go back to the restroom and a hand curled around my wrist.

Twisting back to her, I smiled to see two sleepy eyes focused my way.

"Stay," she murmured a tired whisper.

I squatted to her bedside and pressed my fingers through her hair the way I knew she liked. "I'll be right back."

She nodded into her pillow with a sweet smile and then closed her eyes, digging herself into the blanket.

Going quick through the bathroom, I then went around her apartment, turning off the tv, and checked windows and the door, making sure the deadbolt was locked and everything was secure. When I was reasonably certain everything was safe for my mate, I turned off all the lights and headed back to Kara's room.

I hadn't fully even pulled the blanket up when she was already nestling into my side. She gave a content sigh and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. Having her sleeping in a room next door was calming to my wolf, when I could still sense her, but this was so much different. A balm to a troubled soul. Like a sleep of kings. It would be addicting. I would never be able to sleep again without her next to me.

She was smiling against my chest, and I felt every tiny movement until her breathing evened out and her fingers relaxed their hold at my shirt. When I knew she was fully asleep, I started drifting myself, easier than I'd ever thought possible.

I'd fallen asleep and didn't know how long when a click brought my senses on high alert. Someone had opened the deadbolt at her front door, and with a deep inhale I knew it was the vet and he'd been drinking. The hairs on my arms stood on end and my wolf bristled. What was that weasel doing here? And in the dead middle of the night?

I pulled myself from Kara's arms and she grunted, fingers digging into my shirt.

I unwrapped her fist and bent down to her whispering, "go back to sleep, honey. I'll be right back."

She yawned and snuggled back into her pillow.

Closing her door, I strode to the front room, eyes on the vet stumbling around even with a phone light pointed at the ground.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, full wolfen authority entering my voice.

The light shone on me. "Who are you?" His face seemed to relax with an answer of his own question. "Ah. You're the one she was screwing."

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