Chapter 24: Shutting the Door

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I stretched from the bed and yawned. "If we don't have to leave for a few hours, I think I'm ready to go help that wolf now."

William sat up from the headboard following me. "I don't want you to go yet. You keep losing your energy every time. We're going to have to take them slowly I think."

"Maybe I just need practice. The more I can do, the better I can get."

"Maybe," he relented. "But you can practice some more when we get back."

"Are the Gammas okay?"

He nodded. "They are in the hospital wing right now. They're both still unconscious. We thought they abandoned ship and went to live at another pack. It makes me wonder about all the other runaways and possible deaths now."

"Maybe they can help tell where the problem comes from?"

He grabbed my hand in his. I was getting used to the feel already. "The Alpine Ridge man can't remember anything. The last thing he remembers is running as a wolf around his pack border two months ago."

"That's horrible."

"He's been given fluids and his Alpha contacted. They are coming for him tomorrow. His Alpha is awaiting the rest of the four that we have of his pack. He says they have three of the wolf creatures in their cellar too."

I bit my lip nervous. "So I guess I have my work cut out for me."

He squeezed my hand. "We need you, but you need to work at a gentler pace. I don't think you should be healing too many a day."

A slight grin lifted my lips. "Okay, two before breakfast. One after lunch. Three after dessert?"

He laughed. "Well, I do think a meal would help." He then started to drift his thoughts. "What time do we need to leave here?"

I made a quick calculation. "Probably by eight would be good."

He looked to me a hesitant question in his eyes.

"What?" I asked a bit uneasy.

He shook his head, "oh nothing." He then turned back more confidently. "Actually, what would you say about meeting my parents for dinner? Is it too soon? My mother is dying to meet you."

"Oh," I startled. You're a mate Caroline, suck it up. "Um yes, I think I can do that. We're mates right? I should be able to be brave enough to meet your family."

"We can wait if you're not ready."

I shrugged. "I faced murderous werewolves today, might as well face an enthusiastic mother." I looked to him nervous. "Do you think she'll like me?"

He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.  Heat flooded to my stomach. Oh gosh! I started picturing the feel of his hands all over me again.

He chuckled. "Remember to think about what you link people. Not that I'd ever mind knowing anything you thought about."

"Oh no!" I cried, pulling my hand back in humiliation. "I linked that? Sorry!"

He grabbed my hand again. "I already said don't be sorry about things like that. I like knowing that you want to be with me." I tried to make a cautious sound, but he spoke over me. "I know that I need to wait for you to adjust."

I bit my lip, gazing around the room. "Thanks, sorry."

He put our hands down to my lap, keeping them entwined. "And yes, I think my parents will love you very much. But remember I've been without my mate for twelve years now, they may try to embarrass me hoping for grandkids too soon."

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