Chapter 7: Kara's Alive

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The next morning I knocked on Eric's office door.

"Come in William," his reply from inside.

I opened the door and he was situated at his desk. He closed his laptop and looked me over. "News?"

I nodded and sat at the wingback chair. Kara's scent then flew up around me, still stuck into the cushions. A slight smile lifted half my face.

"Did you go into your mate's room last night then?" He asked with a smirk.


He chuckled. "So, did you find the book?"

"Yes, but..."

"What happened?" He sat forward interested.

"She caught me."

His smirk disappeared. "Oh no. What did she say?"

"Well. She kissed me."

Eric's brow widened. "She ...kissed you?"

A full grin hit my face and I let out a heavy filling breath. "Yeah. She caught me when she realized her book wasn't with her anymore. She was going to scream. I grabbed her so she wouldn't and used the mind link. She thought she was still dreaming and basically attacked me."

"That's unexpected." Leaning back in his chair, he laughed heartily. "So she does feel the pull."

I smiled considering.

"I take it, it was a good kiss?"

Nodding, I tried not to give anything away through the mind link. "Yeah."

"So she kissed you and then what, went back to bed?"

"Well, she fell asleep on me and I carried her back."

His eyes widened. "Was the boyfriend not there? What happened to him?"

I clenched my teeth. "No. He was there."

"Wow." He looked impressed. "Putting your mate into bed with another man. You've got some self-control. Don't think I could have done that."

I made a growl to myself. "Don't remind me. But what was I going to do? Take her back to my bed?" I asked incredulous.

"No, I guess not," he laughed. "So you did find the book then? What was it?"

Right. I shook my head. We were getting off topic. "It was a book on healing."

"Healing?" Eric rocked in his chair a moment, fingers templed. "So she thought it was hers merely because she was a veterinarian? Did you find out why she was so adamant that it was hers?"

"Yeah. Get this. It had an inscription inside to her that was from Ralph. He's her grandfather."

He sat forward against the desk, eyes not focused as he thought. "But his family all passed in the fire. Whoa. Does this mean he had another family on the side? That's insane."

"I...I guess?" I hadn't thought of that prospect. That was pretty crazy.

"So what did the inscription say?"

I stared at the ceiling trying to remember the wording. "Something along the lines of 'Benson is going to take you away from here. We need your gifts. Come back to the pack. Alpha Samuel let me give you this book.'"

"My father?" he asked in surprise.


"Huh. I wonder if he knows anything about her."

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