Chapter 31: Mint Chocolate Chip

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We wandered slowly through the mall, examining each window display as we went by. We passed everything from Egyptian sandals to Chinese dragon figurines, strawberry pretzels, beautiful diamond jewelry, and sensual lingerie. It was wonderful just being with William and hearing his thoughts on anything that spiked his interest.

William opened the door to the pink ice cream shop for me and we strode up to the counter to look over the choices. Everything sounded so lovely.

"What are you going to get?" I asked, staring over the glass case.

He pointed to the light green filled container. "Mint chocolate chip."

"Mint?" I made a face.

He grinned and rubbed a hand over my back. "You don't like mint?"

I shook my head hurriedly.

"What's the matter with mint?"

"It's like eating toothpaste in ice cream form."

He laughed. "Well, I like it. What's your favorite?"

I just stared back to the ice creams, a sad confusion now flowing through me. "I don't know. I guess chocolate brownie?"

He nodded, "that sounds good too."

"Mmhmm," I gave a noncommittal murmur, a new gloom sweeping me.

He grabbed my hands and guided me back a few steps from the eye of the server. "Kara. What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you feeling so worried about this? I can feel it. It's just ice cream."

I glanced to the wide windows and the random mall goers walking the hallways, a sigh in my lungs. "We're mates. Aren't we supposed to be, I don't know, like the same or something? We're supposed to be perfect for each other." Maybe it was a mistake.

"Kara no. Stop. Of course it wasn't a mistake."

"But we like different things."

"You mean because I like mint and you don't?" He stood tall a slight smirk sliding to his lips. "We can still be mates and enjoy different things sweetheart."

I looked back to him, uncertain. "We can?"

He chuckled. "Of course. Mates means we're perfect for each other, not that we're the exact same as each other. We can have different likes and dislikes, we're just compatible as a couple. Like, think of the plane ride. I don't usually care for romantic movies, but I'd be happy to watch them if that's what you wanted to do, because I enjoy being with you. And same would go for you. I'd hope that someday you'd want to watch samurai movies with me because you enjoy being with me."

A smile began to lift one side of my lips.

"We're still both new at this, but I'm guessing we'll find out that we both have a lot in common, but we'll find some things that we choose to differ on too and we'll just talk about it and go on. My parents for example. Mom really likes mayonnaise and my dad really likes Miracle Whip. Do they make a big deal about the other liking their favorite? No. They just get both jars."

I relented a giggle.

He smiled at my turn of heart and rubbed over my arms. "So don't worry if we find some things that don't matter, that we have differing opinions on."

I nodded. "Okay. Thanks."

He hugged me and placed a sweet kiss to my cheek. "Now that we have that cleared up, chocolate brownie then? Or did you want something else today?"

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