Chapter 56: Catherine

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You try telling Catherine that we needed to wait a day before we go buy paint.

I'd probably have better luck at hand-to-hand combat with a tyrannosaurus.

William put it in her head that the two of us should go get paint in town together and have some girl chat time about her honeymoon. He spoke the thought with a smirking wink to me. Jerk knew he was dooming me. After that there was no convincing her that I needed to heal the werecreatures at Fremont first.

That must be how Will was choosing to get me to pace myself. The 'I can't dictate when you feel good enough to heal' thing was already out the window.

But I guess I owed him, dragging him on a six hour trip the day before.

Didn't mean I had to like it.

So, that's why I was kidnapped, passenger side of Blake's SUV, heading to the hardware store instead of Fremont while Catherine grooved out at the steering wheel to the radio.

Still, as we came off the mountain, my eyes darted toward the woods where I had abandoned a car to run to the cavern.

"Don't even think about it girly," Catherine commanded and noisily clicked the door locks, making it extra obvious no escape would be possible.

"How'd you even know about that?" I turned to her.

She grinned, painted lips as red as her hair. "William gave me the heads up while you went to the bathroom."

I scowled. I was going to have to have a talk with him about throwing me under the bus.

She just laughed. "Oh come on. This is fun. I haven't seen you in a week. I went for a honeymoon, you got shot and abducted, and don't forget you almost getting married. I want all the gossip!"

"'Almost getting married'? I was almost bled dry by a mad man and you focus on that I just tried to get a marriage certificate?" I shook my head, but I had to admit to myself I did miss her. She was always so upbeat about everything.

"Of course I'm focusing on that! You refused to hear of anything wedding plan-esque for the last two months and you jumped in faster than me and Blake. I'm so never letting you live that down."

I chuckled, "okay, okay. Yes. I'm happy with William."

She squealed. "I know! Aren't our wolves the very best?"

"Yeah," I conceded. "They're pretty great."

We were quiet for a minute as we both had warmed hearts thinking of our other halves.

After a few minutes, she spoke softly. "I'm sorry about the bachelorette party."

I turned to her in question.

She sighed, eyes watching the road. "I shouldn't have agreed to leave without you. I was just so excited to be married that everything became a blur. I didn't even think about hurting your feelings. So, I'm sorry."

Nodding, I gave a forced smile. "It's okay. It all worked out. Heck, that's when I met William so it was probably some fate play anyway."

"What?" She momentarily twisted to me, a grin developing. "Really? What happened?"

I giggled and spent the next few minutes animatedly telling the story. She held onto every word then burst out laughing. "You told us you got lost driving."

I tried to hold back a smile. "You really think I was going to tell a bunch of drunk ladies that I let some hot dude bite me after another hot dude sniffed me up?"

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