Chapter 17: Werecreature

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One of the guards from the dungeon screamed through the link, pack wide. HELP! ANYONE! TO THE DUNGEONS! WERECREATURE ESCAPED! NEED HELP! GUARD BITTEN!

The wolves seated around the banquet table stared around. Could we help? Certainly Blake could not. But as Caroline was with Catherine, and I was Beta I figured I'd take the lead. I stood up slowly and gave a look to John that meant follow. As Blake had heard the announcement, I chose to just nod a farewell. John and I met up a few steps away and started carefully making our way into the packhouse human speed. Why did we let humans come here!  Eric was insane.

When we hit the packhouse doors we started a run for the basement, but that's when my life was nearly ended.

Eric's link tore through me. Holy shit! William, Kara just jumped a window into the dungeon!

My curse words back to him were not polite as my feet sped to the outer wall of my capabilities. I tried to scream at her through the link, but she was not listening. Eric in wolf form, along with another of his friends stepped in front of her for protection. But she tossed them across the room like paper airplanes as I hit the dungeon door. I pressed the code in the electric lock almost denting the buttons as I saw her challenge the creature.

"Kara! Get out of the way!" I shrieked through the broken viewing window to the side.

The door unlocked and I raced the platform and hurled myself over the stairs as the werecreature charged. I pushed her out of the way just in time, and gathered her sheltered in my arms as we slid across the floor, slamming back first into bars of an empty cage. A single breath of relief left me.

Her muscles softened in my grip and she started to dart glances around the room.

"Are you crazy! Get out of here!" I hollered as the beast ran around us.

Her panicked eyes sought mine as she quietly spoke my name. I couldn't be brought down with the innocent look of her eyes, still flitting about the room. I pressed my hand at her cheek to get her glance to me. I couldn't even imagine how she got here or why she was down here. It was so incredibly dangerous! She could die! But she stammered as if she didn't even know how she was where she was.

John made it down to the main floor and shifted trying to keep the werecreature's attention with Eric and the others. It was spinning between wolf to wolf behind us. Each trying to stay from its jaws, but keep it contained away from Kara and I. But it didn't last. The werecreature faked a left and hit Guard Ryan with a powerful bite. Ryan cried out in pain and I turned to gasp. But as I did Kara's muscles tensed and she rose from my embrace starting toward the creature.

"No!" I cried, grabbing her waist to dash her back upstairs and away from the diseased thing. I would take her far from this room, this instant! But as soon as my arms were on her she turned to me. Her eyes ringed in a tiny amount of gold peering out from under the blue contact, brought my wolf to the surface. Her quiet stay was just as strong as any full alpha command I've ever been dealt. It was the power of the absolute marking! She wasn't letting me go to help her!

"Get her!" I cried to my pack as the creature turned to her. "She won't let me help!" She was going to die!

Eric's wolf came up on her to push her out of the way of the creature's charge but she made some twisting move away from Eric and warped the creature's charge around her. She flipped it with ease to the ground, her legs caging its arms.

I could only watch, glued in place by her command. This was insanity! "Kara, let me go!" But my terror lessened as I watched her now. Her pin had been so effortless. She had the creature totally at her mercy, every force it gave easily diverted by her quick hold. While my mind was racing with fear, my wolfen side was gratified of the power my mate.

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