Chapter 5: Missing Book

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I entered my office with the pack lot behind me. My eyes dashed around the room to all my treasures. All accounted for. Valuables? Everything still there. I scanned around trying to think if something was out of place.

"What about this?" John asked pointing at a bookshelf.

I followed his eyes and the dust on the shelf did show a single book was missing.

"Out of all the books in your office, she chose that one? What was it?" Eric asked.

I surveyed the shelf. "I don't know. That's an old shelf of my dad's. I never ended up clearing it off."

"She stole one of your dad's books?" John wondered aloud.

Eric disagreed. "She thought it belonged to her."

"She could just be not right in the head," Garrett offered.

I growled and turned on him.

His hands flew up in defense. "Just sayin' man. She could have chosen anything in here and thought it belonged to her."

"She belongs with me. So anything in here does belong to her." I bit back.

"Right, right. Sorry." He rolled his eyes.

"I think we need to figure out what book she took," Eric said staring at the hole in the shelf.

"I'll get my dad over here." I quickly sent him a mindlink.

"Well, you guys do that, we're out of here. We'll check the perimeter. Keep those werecreatures off your new mate." John walked to the door and winked.

My wolf eyes flashed in fear. "What if she does get hurt?"

Eric laughed and patted my back. "Welcome to the mate club, Will. That is what we all worry about."

I sighed. I hadn't realized it hurt that much.

"See you man. Congrats," Garrett waved on the way out and Tarin followed.

Eric and I waited for a few minutes for my dad to arrive from the upper levels.

A knock sounded and then my dad's face turned through the door. "What did you need Will?"

I pointed to the shelf. "What books did you keep here? One went missing and we're trying to figure out which it was."

"Missing?" He asked coming in and checking over the bookshelf. "How does a book go missing?"

"I um..." I guess I should have been prepared to tell my dad this, but I wasn't thinking that far ahead. "Well, I found my mate."

His face opened in surprise. Even he was convinced she had died in the rogue attacks. "Wow, son. I'm ... wow, that's so great." A full smile lifted his face. "Your mother is going to be so happy. Finally grandpups."

"Dad!" I squawked horrified, but then realized I wasn't so horrified at the idea really. Wow, mate bond really works a number on a person. Weird. "Okay, so focus. She took a book. It's on a shelf from your time as Beta. What did she take?"

He looked over the shelf I was pointing. "I don't remember what book was there. I'm sorry."

"You don't remember?" I asked an edge on my voice. "It's your shelf!"

"It's not."

"It's not?" asked Eric in interest. "What do you mean it's not? Whose is it?"

"I didn't clear that particular shelf off either when I cleared up the last Beta's things. It's Ralph Day's books. And I'm afraid you won't be able to ask him which went missing..."

Eric finished for him. "He's dead."

"That's right," I remembered. "Well, maybe we could find a relative to ask?"

Dad shook his head grimly. "You were young son. He was in a fire a couple decades ago. His whole family were caught and died. That's why our family took over the beta position."

A silent moment past as the old memories bubbled back to the surface. Then why did she want that book? How was she connected. There was something we weren't seeing.

Eric spoke. "She really believed she had ownership over that book. Do you have any idea why she may have thought it was hers?"

Dad blinked rapidly, thinking through possibilities. "Maybe a family friend? Extended family? Ralph didn't come from a big family here, and his mate was from another pack. Maybe this girl knew them from Ruth's pack? I could look into her records, check the wolf database if you'd like."

"You could try," I nodded. "Her name is Caroline Peters. But Dad, we think she's human."

"Oh," his eyes widened. He contemplated. "Then she probably isn't from Ruth's side. But I suppose it can't hurt to check."

"No," I agreed. "Please look into it. I'd like to know all I can about her."

He chuckled and placed a loving hand on my shoulder. "You'll learn everything in time. You just have to be patient."

I nodded solemnly, not prepared to tell him my mate was with another man. I may not be able to be patient if she was only here for the wedding.

"Do you need anything else son?"

I shook my head. "No. Thanks for coming down here."

"Sorry I couldn't be more help." He turned to leave, but glanced back with a smile. "Am I allowed to tell your mother, or should I wait?"

I grinned and closed my eyes to mind link. Mom?

Yes? Her sweet voice's questioning reply.

Just thought you'd like to know... I paused to give dramatic effect. It worked.

Know what? ....What Will!? She screamed in my head.

I found my mate.


And then my mind was filled with a thousand happy thoughts and squeals. Her going so far as picturing babies crawling around their living room floor.

Is she pretty? What's her name? How tall is she? Does she have a sister? Tell me Everything!

Busy. Later mom.

No! Now! I need...

I cut her out and laughed, looking to dad. "Better go calm that down."

He grinned. "Happy for you Will."

Eric watched my dad leave and when he was out of hearing range sent a smirk my way.


His fingers tapped his arm. "She's staying here in the packhouse. You can always just go through her things and find the book. See what's so important about it."

"You mean break into her room?" I asked incredulous.

"Yes," he stated simply.

"Alpha, you can't be asking me to go into her room and go through her luggage." I laughed at the absurdity of the chief judge telling me I should go snooping.

He shrugged. "She won't know. Go in there while she's at the wedding tomorrow."

"And if she takes it with her?" For some reason I could already feel the mate bond telling me she might not let the book go.

"Hmm..." he rubbed at his beard, then a conspiring smile drew on his face. "Go in tonight while she and that punk boyfriend are sleeping. You're a wolf. They won't even know you've been in there." He winked. "And then you can see her again tonight."

I scowled thinking of her sleeping next to anyone else. "But what if I see them in the same bed." My mind saw red.

"Calm it," Eric cautioned. "She let you double mark her. She's not going to be able to be with him after that even if she wants to. Just be prepared to see them sleeping beside each other. He'll essentially be like her brother now."

I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure if I could handle seeing that either way. But did I want to see her again? As soon as possible?


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