Chapter 10: Healer

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My dad and I watched the door as Alpha Senior Samuel and Eric pressed in. Both grabbed chairs from the wall and slid close.

Samuel gave a smile to my dad. "Jerry."

"Sam." He smiled back, friendly as the two were Alpha and Beta for years together.

"Whoa is this Kara?" Eric picked up the picture of Kara as Cinderella. He looked to me and smirked. "Pretty girl."

I rolled my eyes at his taunt. "So what do you know about Kara?" I asked to Samuel trying to get to business.

His baritone voice answered, grey hair waving. "She is a healer."

"Healer?" My dad and me spoke together.

"Like the book she took?" I continued.

"Yes," he answered. "Ralph and I had many conversations about it. We weren't sure then, but if she survived the fire, I'm reasonably certain she is now."

"What makes you think so?" My dad asked.

Samuel looked between us, and Eric held out his arm again showing me the scars on his arm. "Because we believed she healed Casey from dying that day."

"What happened?" I asked, my chest heaving with need to know.

Eric started. "We were eight. We were going exploring and went down to the lake, out of pack boundaries. We were met by three rogues stopping for their own drink. I told her to run and tried to fight them, protect her, because neither of us had our wolves yet. They thought it was hilarious a pup stood to fight and decided to teach me a lesson. They could tell I was the alpha junior." His brows came down in anger. "They sliced me up bad. Made a toy of me pretty much. And to think they did that to an eight year old is disgusting."

"What happened to her?" My blood surged to know that my mate was safe.

Eric sighed. "I don't know. The rogues left me for dead and I passed out." He looked to his dad.

Samuel continued the story. "Patrol heard screaming and ran the rogues out. They then smelled the blood and rushed to check. Both of them were there and passed out. Both covered in blood, but neither had any open wounds. She had what looked to be old scars cut below her eyes and Casey had fresh scars all over his body, but all were in various stages of healing. But the sheer number of them, with his age and no wolf, he should have died."

My dad asked, "you suspect she healed them?"

Samuel nodded. "That is what Ralph and I inferred. Ralph's mate came from a line that has held a few healers in the past, so that's what started the imaginings. She was still so young, so we thought she couldn't heal them completely before her power gave out and she collapsed." He then looked down to my desk over her photo. "Within the next week though, the scars under her eyes were gone and Casey's were the white raised lines as they are today."

I thought of seeing Kara's beautiful face, fresh with cut scars at her cheeks and flushed rage. As I thought over her soft body, my mind traced her curves, remembering no scars or blemishes now though.

Samuel sat back against his chair, staring at Eric. "Benson, Ralph's son, had always been a bit more human than the rest of us. A free spirit I suppose. He wanted to go to human school. He wanted to have a human job. He refused to step up to the beta position and Ralph chose to keep it until Jonah, Kara's oldest brother, would be old enough to take it. But after the attack on Kara, Benson went crazy. Threatened to take his family away and leave pack life. There were many fights between him and Ralph that being in the pack was too dangerous for his family. Ralph and I agreed that he'd hide the Healer book in her things and if Benson did take them away, that she would find it when she was ready."

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