Chapter 11: Singing

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That evening I stared up to the mass of twinkling lights that adorned the once basketball gym, now made over into a beautiful reception dance hall. The flowers from glittering pots stationed every ten feet created a beautifully sweet scent flying through the air, but it did nothing for my nerves.

"Now for the first dance. Catherine, Blake, front and center," the DJ called from his corner. He then looked at me and I felt my heart plummet to my toes in stage fright. I loved singing, but being on stage never got any easier. "Introducing, bridesmaid Caroline Peters singing Blake and Catherine's first song, Come Away with Me."

I took the few steps up to the stage and looked out over the crowd. Luckily the lights were strong on me and there was a spotlight over Catherine and Blake at the dance floor, so the faces around the room were too silhouetted for me to pick out anyone.

Anyone. Who was I kidding?

I'm not nervous to sing in front of Rick.

"Take it away Caroline!"

I nodded to the DJ and he played the track. Suddenly a thousand sparkles lit the room in a soft spiral as a ball lit from the ceiling. I grabbed the microphone and took a calming breath. Now that I was up here, some of the nervousness faded. It was always that way on stage. And I started singing. My voice lighting up the area as faces turned to the dancing couple in the center.

♪ Come away with me, in the night... ♪

My feet automatically began swaying to the soundtrack as the music flowed through me.

♪  ...Come away with me and we'll kiss...on a mountain top... ♪

I then caught William's form at the doors of the reception hall. Just enough of the light from the hallway trailed in to let me see him. Even just backlit in basic sweats and tshirt, my heart thundered he was more attractive than any man in a suit amongst the crowd. I realized I was still singing and tried to catch the words up. Tingles danced across my skin and goosebumps chilled my arms; the way I first felt when William was around. It was undeniable.

♪  ...And I want to wake up with the rain... falling on a tin roof.... ♪

I gave a soft grin through the song and continued, my eyes centering on him much more than necessary. His head tilted as he watched and his lips parted. I then realized I could see him intensely clearly. The way his fingers rubbed together almost unperceptively. The blue in his eyes, flecking with golds. The way his chest moved with every deep steadying breath. It began to be like I was singing just to him. But a flash caught my eye beside him and I realized there were three other bodies in the doorway with him. But I didn't want to focus on anything but his staring smile.

♪  ...So all I ask is for come away with me. ♪

The song ended and I watched as his grin showed just the slightest brightness of teeth. I took my bottom lip against my teeth and my lips sparked as if I could feel the touch of his lips again, dream or not, it felt real now.

Everyone started clapping, heads turned from the couple to me and I bowed with a simple curtsie. "Thank you, and one last time for the lovely couple. Blake and Catherine." I clapped against my wrist already replacing the microphone in the base.

My eyes still on his, I walked the stairs down to the dance floor and suddenly I was engulfed in a hug. Red hair caressed my vision and I smiled, patting Catherine on the back.

"That was so beautiful!" She gushed. "Thank you so much for that!"

I chuckled. "No problem. Thank you for the honor of singing your first song."

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