Chapter 38: Jeremy

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I couldn't believe it. Was that my brother's voice after eight years of silence?

Jeremy's thoughts smiled. Hey little bro.

I was stunned. Completely speechless.

When I didn't offer anything, he continued. Hey, uh Will? I don't want to alarm you any more than necessary, but I've got an unconscious girl here. Said she was your mate. Mind finding us some rope?

You've got Kara!? Yes, she's my mate! Where are you?

He smirked through his thoughts. Pretty one Willyboy.

I growled. Did he have to joke around right now?

His thoughts laughed. I wouldn't growl at the man who was holding my girl away from a pack of hungry mutateds.

I gasped and restarted my search, nose to the ground again. Where are you? I can't get a scent on her.

We're in an underground cavern. I'm not sure where it is, but there is a small trap door at the top. She came in through it. If you'll get some rope, we can climb her out. Don't fall in or you'll be trapped too.

A cavern? I ran back to where her scent disappeared and stuck my nose into the dirt and scooted around minutely. I zeroed in for any change, and a small puff of cool air drug over my cheek. I stopped and gazed at the area.

With a breath inward and closing my eyes, I shifted human. Opening my eyes, I spread the leaves away and there was a single switch. I pressed on it, and the ground shifted under my arms opening in a two foot square. I arched back to make sure I didn't fall in and then peered down.

Even my wolf eyes couldn't see to the very bottom.

Heyyy, he laughed. There you are. Good to see you Willyboy. Missed your ugly mug.

I turned back to the sandy wolf who was gazing with wide eyes at the trap door. "Can you get some rope? Sturdy. And lots of it."

The wolf gave a nod and then shot off with the white wolf racing behind.

"Is Kara okay?" I shouted to the hole.

"I think so," he called up, but the sound echoed around the cavern causing chattering and grunting of other creatures. "She's unconscious, but she's breathing."

"Is she safe? You said there were werecreatures down there?"

"We're holding the mutateds off for now. They aren't trying to attack."

"She healed you? You were one them?"

He stopped yelling over the creature's sounds and linked instead. Yeah. She put her hands on a few of us and we're human again. But she passed out.

How many of you are there?

Five of us she changed. Me and Jack are awake, the other three are unconscious. There's ten more halfsies and fourteen mutateds.

I was about to ask what that meant, but the trapdoor then closed automatically. I jumped back trying to make sure a hand didn't get caught.

William! Jer started panicking.

I'm still here. Hold on. I searched the area and grabbed a broken piece of log, setting it on the switch. The door flipped back open, and I peered inside.

How far is it down? Do you know?

Uh, he paused, I can't tell. Fifty? Maybe a hundred feet? Hope your friend brings lots of rope.

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