Chapter 29: Mr. Day

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William parked in front and I looked up to the small single floor, two-bedroom house. "This is it. He's home." I pointed to the run-down blue truck in the driveway.

"Let's go meet him then," William spoke, not an ounce of fear from his voice.

I grabbed the handle and pulled, but his hand was suddenly over mine. I looked up startled, and he was leaning across me.

"I'll let you out. Stay inside a second."

I smiled at the chivalry. "Okay. There's an umbrella there." I pointed behind the driver's side seat.

He grabbed the umbrella and walked around to my side of the car, opening the door. He held his hand out for me and I allowed his help.

We walked hand in hand up to the porch. I knocked and waited. As the dogs started barking up a storm, I giggled. His alarm system just went off.

William gave a laugh. You mean Luna and Lupin?


My dad opened the door. Late fifties, wearing work overalls with greying streaks through his dark hair, but still as muscular as ever.

"Hi daddy, this is..."

He took one look at William, a full gasp ricocheted through his body and he grabbed the front of my shirt, yanking me in the house, slamming the door behind me.

"Dogs! Hightop wolf!" He bellowed, jerking me through the small house to the backdoor.

Luna and Lupin immediately bristled and shot out the door in front of us, barking like mad.

"Dad!? What are you doing?!"

He pulled me up on the motorcycle he kept in the backyard. "I'll explain everything later! We just have to leave NOW!" He kicked the machine on and drove right through the yard of the backdoor neighbors.

I grabbed around his waist, afraid of being kicked off with the thrust of force. Rain pelted against us as he drove the back road at breakneck speeds. "Dad! William is back there."

"Can't talk now honey," he yelled over his shoulder.

My arm then burned in pain. I looked down to see nothing wrong.

Shit. Kara? I could use some help here. These dogs are not backing down.

"William!" My eyes opened wide in realization. "Did you sick the dogs on William?" I growled and tossed myself off the motorcycle, rolling through a rocky puddle.

I got up and whistled loud, running the block back to the house. "Luna Lupin! Heel!"

The water stung over my arm and I hoped William wasn't too badly hurt.

The dogs were then at my side, wagging tails through the rain, and following my run.

Dad had the motorcycle turned around now. "Caroline. Get on the damn bike! We need to get out of here, right now!"

I ignored him and raced around the house to William now huddled inside the car.

When William saw me, he opened the door and stood, hand shielding his eyes from the rain. I ran right to his arms and hugged into him.

He held me for a moment, then pushed me to arm's length, a hand rubbing through my wet hair. "Love, what happened?"

"My dad. He pulled me through the house. Took off with me on his motorcycle."

His brow lowered. "And you jumped off? Caroline, you have road rash all over your face and arm."

"I do?" I touched my forehead, and immediately recoiled with the sting. Ow. Then I looked at my arm and it was covered in grimy scratches. "Oh, I thought that was where the dogs bit you."

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