Chapter 32: Date Night

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After a walk around the mall's bookstore and pizza, the leftovers were safely stowed in boxes on the backseat. "Did you want to do a movie then? We could do the romantic comedy or the new MCU?"

My fingers roamed up and down his arm as he held on my knee. I giggled, "no samurai shows out now?"

He laughed. "No, but I guess we could watch a rental?"

"We'll probably have to. All my samurai videos are now boxed up." I winked.

He shook his head playfully.

"There's a video box at the grocery store near my place. I wouldn't mind just getting a rental."

"Sounds great. Where to?"

I guided the way and we stopped in front of the video box.

"What do you feel like watching?" I asked when he opened my door.

"I don't know. Let's go see what they have in stock."

We wandered over and began pushing buttons on the touch screen. I giggled and pointed to one. "How about this? It has romance and monsters?"

He laughed. "That one sounds great."

I frowned a tease as I looked over the description. "Oh darn. Maybe not. No samurais."

He thumbed over my frown with a grin. "Maybe samurai night can be back at home."

"Home," I smiled wistfully. "I'd like that." Still was strange to think William was part of my life now, but the idea sent me swooning.

He gave me a sweet kiss and then checked out the monster movie.

We got back in the car and he looked over with a chuckle. "What are you thinking about?"

I shrugged shyly. "I don't know. I just like the idea of having a home with you?"

"Like you liked the idea of being married to me?" He raised a seductive brow, reminding me of our brunch chat.

I whacked his arm. "Hey! That was no fair Mister. I had no idea what the link was and you used it against me."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I did."

I hit him again and he caught my hand and gave a soft kiss to my knuckle.

"But I was able to see your feelings for me. Of course I was happy to use it. Didn't you like talking to me?"

I pulled my hand away and sat back in my seat folding my arms, giving him feigned anger. "Maybe. But some of what I thought was very personal."

He laughed out loud and started driving back to my complex. "Oh, it was very personal. I was there remember?"

"William!" I sat forward in embarrassment, ready to actually hit him.

"Sweetheart I've already told you, no need to be shy. I enjoyed every minute."

I sat back rolling my eyes but grinning to myself. "Yeah all three minutes," I muttered.

He reached over and caught my hand in his. "Maybe we can enjoy six later." He winked.

"Will," I gave a shameful laugh, my head hitting the back headrest of the seat.

"What? You're beautiful."

It was still so hard for me to wrap my mind around being so close with someone already. And someone that my dad pretty much came out to say he didn't approve of. Really, it sounded like he wouldn't have approved of anyone from Hightop. But the one he did approve of was a self-serving cheating jerk.

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