Chapter 58: Message of Faith and Healing

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We ended up having to stop three times after I sped up, so the extra needle budge didn't help. Catherine was fine all through the bendy road off the mountain, but for some reason that extra dash of speed on the freeway caused her stomach massive issues.

Maybe it was just the new nerves of Blake going berserk when he found out we ran off.

Watching her puke for the third time was even making me woozy. She just laughed at me. Sure I was a veterinarian, but that didn't mean that I wanted to watch someone puke every fifteen minutes.

I ended up slowing back to the speed limit, but the damage was done. We got some lunch and changed into dresses at the two hour mark and she finally felt better enough to take a turn at the driving. So off we headed to Grand Junction.

We both stared around the homes and buildings that made up the large city. The GPS guided us to an older part of town and pointed to a tan stucco home with wide white trim and a red door. The home was small, maybe only two bedrooms, and worn like no one was able to take care of it in a year or two, but the overall feeling was a sweet place. I tried to imagine a teen Brock coming home after school, but I didn't really know what he looked like beyond basic height and build.

Catherine parked around the corner and turned expectantly. "Ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yep. Let's get this done."

I opened the car door and stepped out, the long blue dress swaying in the slight breeze.

Catherine got out and stood tall in her magenta short dress, her chunky ankle boots making her seem that much more impressive. She giggled and started walking the sidewalk. "Excited Sister?"

I laughed. "Yes... Sister."

Our plan was that we were now some whatever kind of church missionaries, and we wanted to talk to them about faith. When we got inside we open with a hymn, BS some speedy class after that and leave.

I twisted to the small decorative mailbox that was screwed just beside the door. It was labeled: Brock. I grinned and stepped up to the red door, giving a good knock.

When no one answered after the first knock, I started to worry that we just drove half the day only for them to be gone. But as my inner wolf's awareness broadened, I knew she was home. The healer was inching out and testing the waters.

"She's home," I spoke quietly to Catherine, my eyes closed to get a feel on her.

Mrs. Brock was as bad as I imagined. Stuck flat in bed, breathing hard and pained, even though she too had oxygen. The drugs and chemicals of chemotherapy were playing havoc around her system. The cancer was in her blood and deep into her bone marrow. Leukemia. And she was at her last length of rope. She was close to the last knot of her life coming unraveled.

Catherine knocked and this time an older man with a stained white shirt and full belly opened the door. His beard was shaggy and greying. I could feel the pain in this man, the toll it was taking on him to care for his wife. I checked over the gold band at his finger. It had to be Mr. Brock.

Catherine grinned. "Hi! We wanted to talk to you about faith!"

He snorted, stopping her prepared speech. "And who are you? Normans? We already had your kind around and we don't need your message again."

"One always needs a message of faith and healing," she answered unperturbed.

"Ain't you two a little old to be missionaries?" He said rather grouchy, looking us up and down. Too bad Catherine didn't look pregnant, that would have been rather funny.

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