Chapter 36: First Fight

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I woke with a start, jumping up to a seated position and then realized I was on my bed back in the apartment. My heart was pounding a steady beat as I remembered what Rick had done. I was in shock that things could turn so south so fast.

He shot me!

He shot me?

Really? He actually did?

The! The... Jerk!

I wished I never invited him to be my plus one to the wedding. He wouldn't know about Hightop or how to get back there. I could have disappeared.

My back ached and I stood through the soreness, twisting back and forth to ease the burn. I wandered over to the bathroom and held up my shirt in the mirror. But the skin was smooth and clean, no whisper that a bullet smashed around my insides only some time ago.

And into a lung no less! That was a freaking deadly shot. Without immediate medical attention, with a punctured lung, you're dead. I took a heavy breath and it felt as normal as could be. It was fascinating that my inner healer could cure so quickly and so thoroughly.

But my body was still aching.

I realized that my shirt was clean, and my back cleared of blood. William must have taken care of me. The thought made my face light.

Turning from the bathroom, I stepped out into the front room, but when he wasn't there, I tiptoed to Catherine's and peeked in at the bed with a loving smile on my face. But my face fell in worry when he was not there either.

"William?" My subpar human senses tried to pick him out, but all I could hear was the muffled sound of a tv in the apartment above and the hustle of life outside on the street below. Was he okay? Did Rick come back? My eyes widened with my own nerves and panic crashed into my toes. I ran through the apartment calling his name, hoping that I had missed him on the couch or bending behind the kitchen counter, when his voice entered my head.

Kara? Are you awake?

William. I relaxed at the sound of him. Where are you?

I've just been taking boxes to your car. Sorry Love. I meant to be there when you woke up.

I was scared. I admitted.

I'll be right there. I'm getting in the elevator now.

Okay, my word was soft. I sat down on the arm of the couch to wait for him when I realized though my whole body ached, my side was stinging. A lift to my shirt showed no wound, but not a second later I remembered Will's gunshots. It was him! He wasn't fully healed! I never finished after I got hurt.

A gentle knock sounded from the door and then Will let himself in. I leapt at him. "Are you okay? Your side! I still need to help you!"

My hands came up to touch his abs when he instead caught my hands in his. "No. Stop sweetheart. My natural wolf healing will take care of this one. Don't wear yourself out."

An uncomprehending noise sounded from me. No? "No? What do you mean no? I can't let you just wait it out and suffer. I can help. That's what I'm here for."

"I'm not suffering," he stated stony and turned to lock the door. "You need to get your strength up."

My temper flared as he stepped into the kitchen. "Screw that. I need to help my mate."

There was no emotion that crossed his face as he pushed a white box of chocolates with a purple ribbon across the counter to me. "Eat. Get your strength up."

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