Chapter 15: Have nice dreams?

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I sat across from Catherine at the long banquet table set outside near a freshly planted garden. I put a scoopful of grapes on my plate next to the blueberry muffin.

"Mind if I take this chair?"

That voice speared direct into my heart, halting every muscle.

"William! Sure!" Blake laughed. "Her date's a no show."

He then sat in Rick's empty chair on my left and I turned to him, the spoon still hovering over my plate. He was gorgeous and fresh from a shower, the earthy rosemary scent that was him filling my head. He hadn't shaved his stubble and wore a handsome white button up shirt and nice jeans. But all I could picture were his bare abs pressed against me. My lip twitched.

"Good morning Caroline."

A blush immediately overtook my face and I looked down to my plate. I put the spoon back with the bowl of grapes. "Good morning William." Husband-mate-whoever you are. I was so embarrassed that I was having those kind of dreams about this person I knew absolutely nothing about, I almost didn't want to look at him. I quickly put a grape in my mouth to stop me from saying anything stupid.

"Have nice dreams?"

Half chewed grape shot down my windpipe and I started choking.

Catherine's voice screeched through my coughing. "Caroline! Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!"

Faces from the long table pressed my way in concern.

William started patting my back with a chuckle. Not helping! I told the stupid sexy fireworks in his hand. I nodded and grabbed a drink of water from the pretty goblet before me. "Sorry, yeah. Just went down the wrong pipe."

Catherine laughed. "You need to chew Caroline."

I tried to laugh it off, my face going instantly red again. "Yeah-ah-ha. Silly me."

Faces turned back into individual conversations.

William plated himself up some brunch items that were in front of him. He then held out the bowl of scrambled eggs. "Want some?"

"Uh, sure. Thanks." I tried to smile and take the bowl from him. When our hands connected and his warmth pressed into me, my glance shot to his.

"Nice weather today, isn't it?" He let the bowl go.

I looked up to the fluffy clouds decorating the sunlit morning. "Lovely."

But not as lovely as you, sweetheart.

A scoop of eggs splatted across my plate as William's tone invaded my daytime thoughts. Oh great. Now I'm imagining him without a drink too. Maybe I need a mimosa after all. I put the bowl back in an empty spot on the table and scooped the eggs in a neat pile on my plate.

I enjoyed your dream last night. It was very ...persuasive.

I placed my elbows on the table and rubbed at my face, trying to push the burn away. But a smile sprung to my hidden lips. I answered my inner William voice. I enjoyed it too. 

Real William gave a light chuckle, then started small talk with Blake. Something about the pack's vegetable garden.

What happened to your fiancé?

I scowled down to my bite of eggs. It was like you said. He was cheating.

Sorry Love.

He left early this morning.

I know. I heard. He smiled through his thoughts. I also heard you singing my name in the shower.

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