joke shop

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Today, I'm going to Diagon Alley with my parents and the Malfoys and Notts to get our supplies before the new school year starts. It's always a drag whenever our families go anywhere together because our parents always talk about the Dark Lord how it's a "shame Mudbloods still exists". Lucius Malfoy loves to go on and on about the Ministry and roping our fathers into radical Pureblood ideals. Both Draco and Theo's fathers were die hard supporters of the Dark Lord, being that they were both Death Eaters. My father on the other hand, supported him from the distance. He holds Pureblood traditions very highly but never went as far as "joining the cause".

I changed out of my silk pajamas and into a green baby tee with black flare jeans and a pair of my black platform boots. Before heading out of my bedroom to meet my parents down in the foyer, I grabbed my black nylon Prada bag and my wand. When I got downstairs, my mother and father had on their black robes and my mother was carrying her black Birkin bag. She had her hair up in a French twist and her signature dark red lipstick on.

"Perfect, you're ready", my father sighed.

"Sorry, daddy. I couldn't find my letter from Hogwarts that had the supplies list"

"I hope you're not this disorganized at school", he said with a raised brow.


"Honey, enough with the interrogation", my mother said placing her hand on my father's shoulders. "Let's go", she said taking my hand and we disapparated with my father to Diagon Alley.

We apparated in front of Gringotts where the Malfoys and the Notts were. Draco wore his all black suit and Theo wore a black Prada nylon windbreaker with dark brown trousers and a pair of white trainers. I greeted both the Malfoys and Notts with my parents before walking off with Draco and Theo, leaving our parents behind.

The three of us walked down the alley to Fred and George's joke shop. When we entered Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, the shop was filled with students from Hogwarts. The shop was loud, bright, and colorful, matching the Weasley Twin's personality. A display of love potions caught my eye, making me let go of Theo's hand and wander off on my own. Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley stood by the display, holding the love potion in their hands.

"Need it for Weasley?", I asked Hermione.

"No", Hermione snapped. "I was just looking", she said placing the love potion back.

"Come on, Granger. It's not that hard to see that you look at Ron Weasley with heart eyes"

"I do not"

"Weasley Junior", I said to Ginny. "You see the look to, don't you?"

"Don't call me that", Ginny said crossing her arms.

"My bad, Ginny. Word on the street is you're shagging Dean Thomas. Nice going, Gin, I didn't know you were into older blokes"

"Talking out of your ass, like usual", Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"But it's a nice ass, innit?", I winked, making both Ginny and Hermione scoff. "Well, have fun tricking men into loving you", I said walking off to find Theo and Draco.

I walked through the joke shop, looking for two tall boys. One with icy white blonde hair and the other with golden brown locks. I found both Draco and Theo looking at a display of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Draco had the product in his hands, holding it up to the light, observing the details. I wrapped my arms around Theo's torso from behind and resting my head at his side. He leaned over to me and kissed the top of my head.

"What do you two need that for?", I asked

"We're thinking of tricking first years on the Hogwarts Express", Draco answered.

"Those poor little shits won't know what hit them", Theo chuckled.

"You two are evil" I said, still holding onto Theo.

"Thank you", Draco said with a devilish smirk. He took out a few galleons from his pocket and walked towards the check out counter, Theo and I following behind. When we got to the counter, we ran into Hermione Granger, who had a black eye. "Woah, who took a hit on you, Mudblood?", he chuckled.

"Shut it, Malfoy", Hermione said clutching her eye.

"No, tell me. I would love to send them flowers"

"What's going on here?", Ron Weasley chimed in. "Are they bothering you?", he asked Hermione.

"Just trying to figure out who socked Mudblood Granger in the eye", Draco chuckled.

"Don't call her that", Ron said stepping up Draco.

"What are you going to do about it? You can't even keep a quaffle out of the goal"

"And you can't even catch a snitch", Harry said joint Ron. "Sad to see you're still acting like a child, Malfoy"

"Ah, the Chosen One and the Forgot One", Draco chuckled. "What's it like being Potter's sugar baby, Weaselbee?"

"Don't fuck with me, Malfoy", Ron said pulling out his wand and pointing it at Draco's neck.

Theo quickly pulled out his wand, defending Draco. "The Blood-Traitor likes to play. I can't wait to see you on your ass"

"Likewise", Harry said drawing his wand at Theo.

I pulled my wand out and pointed at his chest. No one fucks with my boyfriend. "Drop your wand, Potter"

"Woah, woah", Fred Weasley said stepping in between the six of us. "No dueling in my shop. You can take that outside"

"Come on, Fred. Let me rock Malfoy's shit", Ron said from behind Fred's body.

"Not in here", he said lowering Ron's wand. "Try Knockturn Alley", he joked.

"You heard him, Weasel", Draco said to Ron, making him charge at Draco before Fred held him back.

"You three should leave", Fred said to Draco, Theo, and I.

"There", Draco said placing his galleons in Fred's hand. "Keep the change and get you something nice, maybe a new house", he winked before turning around and walked towards the door. Theo grabbed my hand and lead me out of the store.

We walked down the alley and back to Gringotts where our parents were still standing in front of, talking. Lucius was of course, talking about the Ministry and politics while my father and Theo's clung onto every word. Our mothers talked about the latest styles on the runway and which Chanel bag they were interested in getting. The three ladies compared their Birkin bags and showed off their latest jewelry pieces their husbands gave them from Harry Winston.

For the rest of the day, the three of us walked around Diagon Alley with out parents, buying our supplies for the new school year. I got all my new books for my N.E.W.T. level classes and new robes since I've got them all dirty from Professor Snape's potion classes last year. It's going to be my sixth year Hogwarts which means, only one year left before it all ends and we have to be off to university. During my meeting with Snape last year, he asked me what I wanted to do and I just stared at him blank faced because I have no fucking clue. I get my inheritance when I turn eighteen but my father insists I attend uni because it makes the family name "look better". I don't want to be a healer and I most definitely don't want to be a fucking Auror. Hopefully, I figure it all out by the end of the year when we have to submit our uni applications. 

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