kiss n tell

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kiss and tell party playlist💕💋:

K. Flay - High Enough

Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?

Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours

Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse

    "You almost told Draco that you love him?", Stass asked while we were getting ready for the party. "Why didn't you just say it?"

    "Because I don't know if I do. I like him, I really do but I don't know about love. I made the mistake of saying "I love you" way too fucking soon last time", I said while applying my mascara.

    "Well, that was with Theo, this is Draco Malfoy, the boy who's been drooling over you since were an A cup"

    "I'm just going to ignore the fact that you just mentioned my bra size"

    "Come on, Stell", she groaned. "You know what I mean. Draco's been obsessed with you forever and he didn't need to drink any Amortentia"

    "It's hard to tell right now because I spent my half of my life with just one person. When I'm with Draco, I get butterflies in my stomach and I just melt at everything he does. He remembers every little detail about me. He got me peonies instead of roses for fucks sake. Theo always got me roses even though my favorite flowers are peonies"

    "Bitch, you're totally in love", she giggled, jumping up and down. "And he's totally in love with you, Why else would he remember shit like your favorite flowers and something you said while you were high off of stolen weed. Not to mention that little horseback riding date you two went on"

    "Okay... I see your point"

    "Now, go put on a dress that will Draco Malfoy on his knees for you"
     I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out my outfit for tonight. I put on my baby pink Blumarine slip dress with a pair white sheer thigh high stockings that had a lace trim and my white platform mary janes. For my hair, I had it straight and parted to the right side with a diamond clip, pinning the front left pieces of my hair back. I layered my diamond Harry Winston chocker with the necklace Draco got me this morning and my Tiffany's friendship bracelet.

    Before leaving my dorm room for the party, I took one last look in the mirror, examining my outfit

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    Before leaving my dorm room for the party, I took one last look in the mirror, examining my outfit. For second, I felt like I was overdressed for a house party but then I remembered, there's not such thing as being overdressed. If anything, everyone else around me is underdressed. I forgot to ask Draco what he was wearing tonight. I hope we don't clash.

    Stass and I linked arms and walked upstairs to the common room for the Kiss and Tell party. The ceiling was enchanted to drop red and pink confetti and there were little cupids flying through the air, shooting arrows. Thick curtains covered the windows of our common room, blocking the green tinted lighting coming in from the Black Lake, completely blacking out the room for the red and pink lights. Loud music played through the speakers as party goers danced around. Thank Merlin the girls decorated the common room. If it were up to the boys, they would have red plastic cups hanging from the ceiling.

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