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Since last night, I've been trying all day to avoid Draco. The whole "fucking in the common room while everyone was asleep" thing was a mistake. It's not that I didn't like, because I did. I just think that having sex with Draco twice now is not good for my New Year's resolution of letting go of the negative things in the past. I still have red marks around my wrist from Draco holding onto me so tightly and my neck is sore from him choking me out. Even my legs are sore. I feel like I'm walking around with a wolf bite on my leg and everyone in the corridors are looking at me funny.

My first class of the day was Divination, which Draco is not in, but now I have to go to Transfigurations, which he is in. I'm praying that Professor McGonagall doesn't make us get together in groups or partners and I somehow magically end up in one with Draco. Dodging him in the Great Hall, common room, and the corridors was easy, but class where I'm stuck with him for two hours, not so easy.

When I entered the Transfigurations classroom, I walked straight to my desk in the back and waited for Stass to come and sit down next to me. I pulled out my textbook, notebook, and quill, placing it on top of my desk slowly, hoping that this will make five minutes pass by.

The chair next to me was pulled out and someone sat down in it. Assuming that it was Stass, I rested my head on their shoulder.

"Woah, Stell. We haven't done this in awhile"

I turned my head and saw Draco's pale blonde hair and his stupid little fucking smirk.

"Draco? Why are you in Stass's seat?"

"Because she's not here yet. Why are you being all weird?"

"Why aren't you? I don't want to see you after what we did last night"

"You mean when I fucked the shit out of you in the common room?"

"Say it a little louder, why don't you?", I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"When I fu-", Draco said raising his voice, making me place my hands on his mouth.

"I don't need everyone in this room to know. I don't even want to know"

Draco grabbed my hand and ripped it from his mouth. "Remember that only I can do that", he smirked.

"You're so fucking annoying", I scoffed, crossing my arms and turning my body away from him.

If Draco is acting this way about our little slip up last night, I can't even imagine what he would've acted like if he found out that we hooked up at Theo's New Year's Eve party. It's like he wants to parade around and let everyone know that we're hooking up so he could have this claim on me. Having his claim on me would mean that no boy in Hogwarts could come within ten feet of me. Draco and his stupid intimidation tactics is going to scare everyone away. Not that I want another boyfriend after the long year I've had, but it'd be nice to have a random hook up wizard who I'm not friends with.

"Good morning, class", McGonagall said marching into the classroom. "Today we're going to be working on transfiguring gnomes to lawn gnomes"

McGonagall took out her wand and conjured gnomes onto each of our desks. The gnome danced on top of my desk. It tried to reach my for my hair but I swatted its hand away, making it angry at me.

"Now remember, when you flick your wand, don't forget to imagine the gnome as a lawn gnome", she said before walking away to sit at her desk.

"Would you cut it out!", I snapped at my gnome.

"Don't be so mean to the poor gnome, Stell", Draco teased.

"Shut the fuck up"

"Aw, did I make you angry"

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