a dozen white peonies

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When I got up this morning, I saw a bouquet of a dozen white peonies and a note folded up right next to it. I sat up in my bed and picked the up the note. My name was written neatly across the front of the note in a familiar handwriting. I opened the note and began to read it.


Meet me up in the Astronomy Tower at 8 before breakfast.

- Draco L. Malfoy

I folded the note up and looked at the clock on my nightstand. The time was half an hour before my meeting time with Draco so I got out of bed to get ready for the day. Stass was still sleeping in her bed so I walked over to her and jumped into her bed, wrapping my arms and legs around her body. She let out a loud groan and threw her duvet off of her head, glaring at me with her lips pouted. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day, bitch", I smiled.

"Happy V-Day, bitch. I love you", Stass said kissing my cheek. She sat up in her bed, throwing my arms and legs off of her. "Oh, cute flowers", she said pointing at my peonies.

"Thank you, Draco got them for me"

"The Draco Malfoy got someone gifts for Valentine's Day? That's new"

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised because we're not really dating dating. Like, we're dating but we're not dating"

"Right... I'm just going to pretend that I understand what you said", she said looking at her perfect manicured nails. "I hate being single on Valentine's Day"

"But you're not single, Stass. You're dating Adrian"

"Duh. What I mean is, I hate that I'm going to be alone on a holiday all about love"

"You're not alone. You have me"

"Yeah, right", she scoffed. "You're going to be busy shagging Draco all night"

"Not true"

"So true. I'm always right. I was right about Draco having feelings for you and I will be right about this. Thank Merlin we're throwing a party tonight because I might've been stuck in our room staring at Adrian's picture and crying all night"

"Anyways... let's get ready for school, I have to meet Draco before breakfast", I said swinging my legs off of Stass's bed and walking around to her side. I grabbed both of her hands and pulled her out of bed.

"You're meeting Draco before breakfast? Why?"

"I don't know but he left me a note to meet him in the Astronomy Tower"

"Sneaky morning sex before class?", she smirked. I rolled my eyes and dragged Stass out to the girls' bathroom.

When Stass and I finished getting ready for the day, I flattened out the pleats on my skirt with my hands and neatly tucked my Slytherin tie with my Slytherin House pinned on it into my black buttoned up blazer. I slid on my black and green lined school robe on and grabbed my school bag, walking out the door to meet Draco upstairs in the Astronomy Tower.

On my way upstairs to the seventh floor, I saw love letters flying through the air with decorations of pink and red hearts around the corridors. As I walked to the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, I passed by Ginny and Harry who were snogging right outside of the Gryffindor Common Room. Ginny shot a hate filled glare at me as I walked by. I blew her an air kiss to which she responded with a scoff.

I walked up the stairs and saw Draco standing by the edge of the Astronomy Tower, leaning against the railing. His soft blonde hair blew as the light February breeze blew in his face. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his toned torso from behind. He turned around in my arms and gave me a soft sweet kiss on the lips.

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