do over

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As I walked down the Courtyard Corridor, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes, completely blacking out my site. I grabbed the person's wrist both of my hands and started to trace the surface of their hand. I ran fingers on top of their's and felt a ring on the right ring finger. One ring? This can't be Draco and the hand feels familiar, so it's can't be Alex or Blaise.

    "Harry Potter?", I teased.

    "Very funny", Theo mocked, taking his hands off of my eyes. I turned around to face him and saw he had a picnic basket in his hand. "I, Theodore Nott, am taking you on a little date", he said taking my hand and leading me down the corridor towards the exit of the Hogwarts castle.

    "May I ask where you're taking me?"

    "It's a surprise and I know you will love it because you've begged me to do this before"

    "Are we going to Azkaban?", I teased again.

    "How did you know?", he joked.

    Theo held onto my hand tightly and quickly led me out of the castle so no one could see us leaving together. My short legs tried to catch up Theo's long ones, almost tripping over my own feet as we walked out towards the Forbidden Forest.

    Once we reached the edge of the forest, Theo placed the picnic basket on the ground and pulled out his wand. With just a flick of his wand, a picnic blanket was laid out on the ground and snacks were laid out on top of it. A bouquet of red roses in a small round glass vase sat in the middle of the picnic blanket. I don't think I have the heart to tell Theo that I absolutely hate roses because he set up such a cute date.

    "You used to bug me all the time about sneaking into the Forbidden Forest, so I thought it would be a good place for a redo of our first date", Theo smiled, sitting down on the blanket.

    I sat down on the blanket next to him and curled my legs up next to me.

    "I appreciate your effort", I said reaching for a strawberry. "It's very sweet of you"

    "I can't take all of the credit, Alex recommended I took you somewhere we've never been before", he chuckled. "We've been everywhere together so it's kind of hard to come up with something we've never done before"

    Draco never had to ask someone for help when he took me out on dates. He always knew what to do.

    "Um... well, I love it, even though we're doing this in secret"

    "I just think it's best if we keep this on the low for awhile. You don't mind that, do you?"

    "No... I don't", I lied.

    Not that I want to shout from the top of the Astronomy Tower that Theo and I are working things out right now, but I don't want to be his "dirty little secret". If this were Draco, he wouldn't be hiding me in the corner of the Forbidden Forest. He would want people to know that we're going on a date so all of the wizards at Hogwarts wouldn't dare come close to me.

    I don't care that we're working things out privately because I like that, I just don't want to be anyone's secret. Keeping things at minimum in front of Draco is fine because I understand that it will set him off if he sees Theo and I picnicking out in the Forbidden Forest, but completely keeping us a secret, I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. Holding hands underneath the table is one thing, but going out on secret dates is another.

    Maybe I'm just overreacting and thinking a little to hard about this because I wouldn't want Draco to know what we're doing either, especially since there's nothing significant going on. I think I'm just so used to doing things so publicly, it feels weird that I'm doing something so secretive. After all, I haven't been on a date with Theo in over a year so I shouldn't be so quick to judge him for how our date is going.

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