heart = broken

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   I woke up late today because I was too hungover from the night before. After Draco walked out on the party, I just kept on taking shots until all I can remember is Crabbe and Goyle trying to convince all the girls to play strip poker with them. I wish that I could say that I didn't play strip poker with them, but I drank so much, I honestly could have.

    When I entered the Great Hall for breakfast, I walked straight to the dining table and poured myself a glass of water. My body is so dehydrated, my lips and skin feel like I need to fully submerge myself in my La Mer creams.

    Sitting at the table with me was Alex, Stass, Blaise, and Theo, no Draco. I shouldn't be surprised that Draco isn't here right now because he's most likely still mad at me for slapping him across the face, but it's not like he didn't deserve it. He called me a whore and referred to me as "that bitch", he saw that slap coming. Draco is just lucky that Theo took my wand from me because I would've hexed his ass. The way he was speaking to me last night and having Pansy take polyjuice, Draco deserves more than just a slap across the face. I should be brewing a Sleeping Draught and spiking his pumpkin juice with it right now.

    "Hey, are you okay after last night?", Alex asked me.

    "Yeah", I sighed. "My head is just pounding. I didn't play strip poker, right?"

    "No, I stopped you before you could and I was talking about the whole thing with Louis and Draco"

    "Oh... well, I wanted to end things Louis anyways, so Pansy was doing me a favor"

    "I'm not talking about that"

    "Look, they have baguettes instead of white bread today", I said grabbing the bread from the serving platter to divert the conversation.

    Alex sighed and shook his head.

    I rather not talk about what happened between Draco and I last night. I wish I could say that I am furious with him for having Pansy polyjuice as me to get Louis to cheat, but I'm not. All I could think about yesterday when Louis hugged me and called me "mon amour" was to find a way to break up with him. Breaking up with someone is hard, which is why I let Theo write my break up letter and send it out for me. Doing it over owl is a lot easier to sit down face to face with the person. I couldn't come up with a way to break it to Louis that I didn't want to be with him anymore, and Pansy pretending to be me so that I could catching him "cheating" made things easier for me.

    Something that I just can't shake is what happened to the letter that was supposed to be sent to Louis. Theo told me that he sent the letter and that he has no idea what happened to it, and I believe him, sort of. There's no reason for Theo to lie to me. If he said he sent it, he probably sent it, I just don't understand how the letter got lost. Not only did my letter didn't reach Louis, but another one was sent in its place. Louis said that I told him in the letter I will be too busy with school to send him owls. Nowhere in the letter Theo wrote mentioned that. Someone had to have intercepted my letter and sent a different one, but who?

    "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade today?", Stass asked.

    "Sure, why not?"

    "Perfect", she said clapping her hands. "We can have a girls' day. We haven't had one of those in awhile"

    "Yeah", I sighed. "The last time was when I met Louis"

    "Good riddance, goodbye. Even though you thought you two were broken up, he still technically cheated on you"

    "Who knew I could be such a 'cheater' magnet?"

    "Don't beat yourself up about it, Stell", Alex said rubbing my back. "You'll find someone who isn't a piece of shit"

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