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    After my first lesson of the day, I went back to my dorm room because I had a few hours to kill before my next class. Right as I entered the room, there was a note propped up on top of the trunk in front of my bed. My name was written in black ink with the Slytherin House crest right above it.

    I grabbed the note from my trunk and flipped it open.

    Miss Stella C. Blackwood,

Come to my office NOW.

- Professor S. Snape

    Oh shit. I'm in fucking trouble.

    Someone had to have told Snape about what happened last night. It was probably Draco because all morning, people have been calling him "Ferret Boy" whenever he passes by. He's quick to snitch on anyone when he doesn't get him way or feel like he has embarrassed the Malfoy family name. I can already hear "my father will hear about this!", echoing throughout the corridors.

    When I got to the outside of Snape's office, Draco was standing right outside the door with his back leaning against the wall. Slytherins passing by snickered "Ferret Boy" under their breaths, shuffling by Draco as if he couldn't hear them.

    I could tell that Draco was embarrassed because his arms were crossed and his head was down. The front of his blonde hair fell in front of his face, covering his eyes.

    As I slowly approached Draco, his head shot up and he looked me dead in the eye. His crystal blue eyes were listening under the low lighting of the Hogwarts dungeons and his cheeks were red. He peeled his back from the wall and stepped in front of me with his arms still crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

    "Are you happy?", growled Draco. "People have been calling me Ferret Boy all day. It's like fourth year all over again", he scoffed.

    "Aw, someone's feelings have been hurt", I teased, squeezing Draco's cheeks in between my fingers. He swatted my hand from his face and scoffed.

    "You're a really bitch, you know that?"

    "'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'", I quoted.

    "Don't get all biblical with me, Blackwood. You went too far"

    "After what you've put me through this past year, what I did last night was nothing"

    "How so?", he sneered.

    "First, you told me I was a waste of your time before we were supposed to go to Florence. Then, you called me names and were just plain rude to me. Not only that, you planned this whole scheme with Pansy to get in between my relationship with Louis"

    "That was nothing", he spat.

    "Nothing? Really? You've been treating me like shit and then once in awhile, you would make out with me and talk about how you 'care' about me"

    "I do care about you"

    "For someone who cares about me, you sure don't know how to show it", I scoffed.

    "Listen here, Blackwood", he snarled, pointing his finger in my face.

    "No, you listen", I snapped, slapping his finger from my face. "Why did you switch on me? What did I do that made you hate me so much, you decided that I wasn't enough for you? I thought everything was okay between us, but then again, I thought the same thing about my relationship with Theo and he ended up cheating on me. Did you cheat on me? Is that why you-"

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