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    Today is the big quidditch game against Gryffindor and the boys spent all morning talking about how their going to "bury" the Gryffindors. Much to my surprise, Draco joined us for breakfast this morning, the first time this whole week. He probably got tired of watching Crabbe and Goyle inhale their meals, and I know his misses Theo. They've been attached at the hip since we were toddlers, there's no way they're going to end their friendship over a stupid incident involving me.

    "What are you wearing for the match?", Stass asked while rummaging through her dresser. "I can't tell if I want to dress cute or warm"

    "Why can you do both?", I asked pulling a pair of jeans out from my dresser.

    "Because dressing warm means covering my tits"

    "I don't know what to tell you, Stass", I sighed.

    "What's up with you? You would usually say something like 'Fuck it, show them off'"

    "Nothing is up with me", I said changing into my black jeans. "Just nervous for the game, that's all"

    "Why? Since when do you care about quidditch?"

    "I always cared about quidditch. My boyfr...ex boyfriend is on the team, remember?"

    "Yeah, but you were never nervous"

    "If they loose today, I'm scared the boys are going to blame it on me for fucking up the team morale"

    "Well, fuck the team and their dumbass morale", she said throwing on a denim mini skirt. "If they blame you for loosing to those Gryffindorks, I'm cutting their heads off and putting it on a stick"

    "Hmm, it would make for great decoration for our room", I joked.

    "There she is", she said throwing her arms around me. "I miss you, bitch"

    "What do you mean? I've always been here"

    "Psychically, yes, but emotionally, you've been in a far distant land"

    "Now that everything is over, I can finally get back to living my life in peace"

    "Thank Merlin, because single you means no more worrying about Theo when we're out at parties"

    "I think it's a little too soon to be hooking up with other guys"

    "Right... We don't want Theo punching someone out another party"

    I rolled my eyes and got back to getting ready for the quidditch match. I wore my dark green Slytherin Quidditch Team sweatshirt with a white collard shirt underneath, my black flare jeans, and my black Prada platform boots. Sadly, the sweatshirt has "Nott" and his quidditch jersey number on the back of it so I wore my hair down, hoping that it will cover it up. Just another reminder of what I once had.

    After we got ready, Stass and I walked out to the Quidditch Stadium and sat in the front row on the Slytherin side of the stands. The chilly November breeze made my toes and nose go numb. As the boys on the team fly by, getting in position for the match, Stass and I cheered the team on, waving our green and silver striped flags.

    Madam Hooch stood on the pitch and going over the rules to both teams before blowing her whistle, starting the match. Blaise had the quaffle and flew threw the air, drawing his arm and throwing the quaffle into the Gryffindor goalpost past Ron Weasley, gaining us ten points. The crowd of Slytherins jumped and cheered, singing the Weasley is Our King song as Ron throws the quaffle back into play. Theo caught the quaffle and then passed it Alex as the Gryffindor chasers chase them down. Goyle hit the bludger with his club and knocked Ginny off her broom. Stass and I started to laugh at the sight of Ginny hanging onto her broom by her hands. It's what she deserves.

endgame ✦ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now