last summer

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summer of 1995

    Anastasia Perez was throwing the "biggest party of the summer" while her parents were out of town for her aunt's fourth wedding. She invited everyone from Hogwarts, even students who graduated the year before are attending the party. Her quiet and empty mansion was quickly brought to life by loud bass music playing through the speakers, beer cans covering the marble floors, and loud drunk teenagers roaming her halls.

    In the dining room, Alexander Black, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Anastasia all were doing body shots off of the bodies of the dates they brought to the party. Sadly, Theodore Nott was standing in the corner, quietly smoking a cigarette with a drink in his hand. His girlfriend, Stella Blackwood was off in Venice, Italy on holiday with her family, leaving him alone at a party. He drank his plastic cup full of a mixed alcoholic drink, trying to ignore his friends who were all partnered up.

    All Theodore could think about is if he had wasted his teenage years on dating Stella Blackwood. Since the day he was born, Mr and Mrs Nott pushed Theodore to date the daughter of one of their oldest friends. Stella Blackwood was the perfect young women for Mr and Mrs Nott's adolescent child. She came from a wealthy Pureblood family who was well known and gained the respect of the Ministry of Magic, giving them a way in after Mr. Nott was accused of being a Death Eater after the first Wizarding War. The merging of the Nott and Blackwood family meant domination in the Wizarding World.

    In the beginning, Theodore did love Stella but after six years of being together, he felt like he wanted more out of life. He didn't want to be committed to one girl when his friends were experimenting and having one night stands. Being with Stella meant he couldn't travel around Europe with Draco, Blaise, and Alex for the summer, doing pub crawls and attending burlesque shows. Although Stella never told Theodore that she was uncomfortable with him going out with the boys, he knew she should get jealous. He hated the feeling of being completely faithful to someone when he is only fifteen. He shouldn't have to feel like he's in a marriage and if he had too much fun, his wife would be angry at him. Theodore loved Stella but she didn't make his blood rush. He didn't feel a sense of adventure with her. Everything is always the same. They attend events together, go to class together, go on dates at Ferdi once a month. He felt trapped in a relationship he was "destined" to be in.

    After finishing his drink, Theodore peeled his back from the wall and walked out of the dining room, leaving his friends behind. He walked through the hall, trying to avoid the drunken teenagers running around and snogging along the walls. On his way to the kitchen where all the liquor was being held, his eye was caught by Ginny Weasley's blazing red hair. Her bright brown eyes locked onto his ocean blue eyes. She had lust written all over her face, watching Theodore walk by.

    "Theo!", Ginny called out, making Theodore turn around to look at her. She walked away from her group of friends to approach him. "Where's your little girlfriend?"

    "She's in Italy", Theodore said examining Ginny's petite body.

    "Pity", she pouted. "Such a shame seeing your pretty face look all glum. What's wrong?", she asked, tracing her dating finger along his jawline.

    "Let's go somewhere more... private", he said taking her hand.

    Theodore weaved through the crowd of people with Ginny's hand in his. Everyone around them were so intoxicated, no one noticed Ginny's fiery red hair following behind Theodore instead of Stella's midnight black hair. He opened the door to an empty guest bedroom of the Perez mansion. Theodore lead Ginny over to the well made bed and sat down on the edge next to her. The moonlight shining through the bedroom window lit up Ginny Weasley's pale and freckled face. Pieces of her fell in front of her face, making Theodore tuck it behind her ear, staring into her golden brown eyes.

    "Like what you see?", Ginny smirked.

    "Yeah", Theodore said, inching closer to Ginny's face, "I do"

    "Then why don't you do something about it?", she cooed. Theodore cupped Ginny's cheeks in his hands and kissed her soft lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, undoing the buttons of Theodore's shirt, exposing his bare muscular body.

    "Not a word to anyone", he said grabbing the hem of her dress. Ginny nodded her head and he slipped her dress over her head, throwing it at the floor.

    Ginny pushed Theodore onto his back as she mounts on top of him, running her hands all over his chest as she kissed him. Her kisses started to mover from his lips down to his chest, not missing a single spot on his skin. She came up from his chest, unzipping his trousers. Theodore reached for the back of Ginny's bra, unhooking it and slipping it off of her body, throwing it across the room. He watched as Ginny slid down he's legs, slipping her hand into his boxers, gently pumping his hardening cock. She slipped him into her mouth, wrapping her soft pink lips around his shaft, sucking and pumping at the same time.

    "Fuck", Theodore moaned, running his fingers through Ginny's hair. "Just like that", he moaned, pushing her head further down him. He could feel her gagging on his size.

    Taken over by lust, Theodore reached my Ginny's jaw and lifted her off of him. Ginny crawled her way up his legs, straddling over his hips. She slid her bright red lace panties to the side and slowly slid him into her. Soft moans left her lips as she felt Theodore penetrating her walls as she bounced up and down. Sinful moans echoed throughout the cold and empty room, drowning out the loud music playing from behind the bedroom door. Right as Ginny finishes on Theodore, she jumped off of him and got down on all fours, jerking him off until he came in her mouth. She swallowed his warm cum.

    "Wow", Theodore said catching his breath, replaying everything that had just happened in his head. "I-I can't believe we just... I just cheated on Stella". He quickly sat up in the bed and ran his hands through his hair. "I just cheated on Stella with a fucking Blood-Traitor"

    "A 'Blood-Traitor' that just rocked your world", Ginny smirked. "I can tell Stella doesn't fuck you like that"

    "Don't talk about her like that!", he yelled, jumping off the bed and putting his shirt back on.

    "Come on, Nott. You wouldn't have dragged me in here if you didn't want to fuck me"

    "This was a mistake, a drunken mistake"

    "You kissed me, remember? Don't act like this was all me. You're just as guilty"

    "I shouldn't have done this. I-I have to go", he said rushing for the door. Before leaving the room, Theodore took one last look at Ginny and said, "Don't tell anyone about this. If you do, I will ruin you". And just like that, he slammed the door and never looked back.

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