up in the tower

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  Tonight, Draco and I have to patrol the seventh floor corridor. Sadly, I couldn't pay off the Head boy or any other prefect because Draco and I haven't been doing our share of patrolling the corridors. It makes no sense why we're doing the seventh floor when Gryffindor's common room is right there. Ron and Hermione should patrolling this corridor, not us. The only good thing about patrolling the seventh floor is that the Astronomy Tower is located on the seventh floor and I can just sit up there for two hours.

    Curfew is at 10pm and it's currently 9:50 so I threw on a big oversized green hoodie with the Slytherin House crest on it and a pair of baggy black sweatpants because I don't want to be walking around the cold Hogwarts cold corridors in my silk pajamas. I gave Stass a "goodnight" kiss and walked upstairs to the common room to meet Draco before we have to walk upstairs. Draco was sitting on one of the black leather couches in the library by the fireplace, waiting for me. He wore the same hoodie I was wearing and a pair of grey sweatpants that said "Malfoy" down the left side of the sweats.

    "Woah, Malfoy", I said approaching the Draco. "I think I might have to change since you're wearing the same outfit as me", I teased.

    "Come on, I thought you liked matching with me?", Draco said getting up from the couch. "You insisted we wear matching outfits to my parent's Christmas party"

    "We were six and Theo didn't want to wear the matching Gucci jumpers, so I made you wear it"

    "Oh, so I was just second choice", he joked.

    "Shut up", I said lightly hitting his arm. "You know that's not true. It was just a lot easier to manipulate you into doing whatever I want"

    "You had me wrapped around your little finger, Blackwood", he chuckled, throwing his arm around my shoulder and leading me towards the door. "Who knew a little girl could have so much influence over me"

    "I am not little"

    "Please", he scoffed. "I'm a whole foot taller than you"

    "You may be a foot taller than me, but you're still a little bitch", I said elbowing him in the stomach, making him take his arm off my shoulder.

    I ran for the doors, with Draco chasing behind me. Draco chased me all the way up to the second floor before grabbing me by the waist and picking me up off my feet, spinning me around. He put me back on the ground and I turned around to face him. The moonlight coming in from the large windows lit up Draco's cold crystal blue eyes. His eyes sparkled like diamonds as he stared into mine. He tucked my black hair behind my ear and kissed me. Not this shit again.

    "Draco!", I said pushing him away.

    "I-I-I'm sorry"

    I turned around and proceeded to walk up the stairs to the seventh floor, trying to forget what just happened. After everything that happened, I didn't expect for Draco to kiss me, especially since he and Theo just made up. I can't think of any reason why Draco would just kiss me out of the blue like that. Things were just falling into place again and I cannot let Draco's little slip up set everything between Theo and I back.

    When I got to the seventh floor, I went straight up to the Astronomy Tower and sat on the ground with my legs dangling of the edge. I looked up at the night sky and watched the bright white stars twinkle around the full moon. Stass and I used to sneak up here to smoke until we almost got caught by Filch last year and we had to use a Disillusionment Charm to hide from Filch and Mrs. Norris.

    "Hey", Draco said softly, sitting down next to me and letting his legs hang off the edge of the Astronomy Tower.

    "Hi", I said with my eyes still fixated on the sky.

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