old money

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i wrote this chapter while listening to old money by lana del rey so if you wanna listen to it while you read this chapter, you can. it really sets the tone for what i wanted to achieve with this chapter.

   I stared out the window of my bedroom and watched the rain pour from the grey gloomy sky. Water droplets raced their way down my window pane. The soft sounds of raindrops hitting my balcony calmed my "moving day" nerves.

    Last night, I stayed up for hours trying to fall asleep but I couldn't. I tried reading, drinking camomile tea, and I even considered brewing a Sleeping Draught. Sadly, I didn't have all the ingredients I needed to brew the draught so I was stuck counting in my head until I fell asleep.

    I'm not sure why I feel so nervous about moving to Massachusetts. All day, there's been a pit in my stomach and every time I think being away from all my friends for a little too long, my heart would race and I would get shortness of breath. It's not like I'm going to alone because I will have Theo, it just won't be the same without everyone else. 

    "Stella, darling. Are you ready to go?", my father asked.

    "Not really", I mumbled.

    "You're going to have a great time at Ilvermorny, dear", he said pulling me into a hug. "I know it's unfortunate that you won't be spending summer with your friends, but think about the future. Graduating early is going to show your employers that you are dedicated and very smart"

    "I don't feel like I am ready to leave"

    "You are ready. If you were going to attend in the fall, you're just going to spend the summer wasting your time in Paris or by the pool"

    "What if I want that?"

    "Don't be ridiculous", he scoffed, letting go of me. "Starting your university education early is good for you, good for us"

    Of course this is about the family name.

    "While everyone else is wasting their time, you're going to be getting ahead", he continued. "The Ministry already has their eyes on the mudblood in your class. If you want to be on the Ministry's radar, you're going to have to do whatever it takes to stand out. I can only do so much for you"

    "And I am very thankful for your efforts, daddy. I just want-"

    "I promise you, dear, you're not going to miss much this summer. Spending your time at Ilvermorny is going to worth it"

    "Okay", I sighed.

    "Come, your mother is waiting for us downstairs", he said placing his hand on my back and leading me to the door.

    When we got to the bottom of the stairs, my mother was standing in the foyer with all of my bags. She had a Burberry coat in her hand and immediately wrapped the coat around me.

    "Thank you, mummy"

    "You're welcome sweetheart", my mother said giving me a kiss on my cheek. "I can't believe it's raining today. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, I hate how it's so gloomy the day you leave"

    "So... Are we ready to go yet?"

    "The Notts should be here soon so we can all leave together"

    "Oh, I didn't know they were coming with us"

    Three knocks hit the front door, making my mother walk away from me to go get the door.

    "Must be the Notts", she said grabbing the doorknob to the large double doors. "Draco, dear. Are you here to see Stella before she leaves?"

    Draco? I just saw him yesterday. Why is here? Not even Stass is here to see me off.

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