party's over

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ravenclaw party playlist💙🦅:

The Weeknd - False Alarm

Big Data - Dangerous (Oliver Remix)

AUDREY NUNA & DJ Snake - damn Right Pt. 2

Tonight, Ravenclaw is throwing a party to kick off the new school year in their common room. Ravenclaw parties are always insane. They may look like studious witches and wizards, but those are the most crazy people. During the day, they keep their heads in their books but at night, that's when they let loose. At one of last year's parties, Luna Lovegood had a smoke off with Blaise. It was the one time that someone could out smoke Blaise.

"What are you wearing tonight?", Stass asked while looking through her wardrobe.

"Probably just a baby tee and a mini skirt", I said reading my Transfiguration textbook.

"I can't believe your doing your homework right now", she scoffed. "You should be getting ready"

"I just want to get this reading done. I still have my Charms homework to do before the weekend ends"

"You can do it in the morning. Get up and help me pick out a outfit"

I shut my textbook, setting it on my nightstand and walked from my side of the room to Stass's. She held up a dark purple mini dress and a black slip dress up to her body while she looked in the mirror. I went straight to her wardrobe and started to look through her clothes. All the clothes in her closet were an array of bright pinks and dark deep purples, it was like looking at day and night.

"I like the mini dress", I said pointing at th dark purple dress.

"Are you sure? I feel like the slip dress is better for tonight"

"Then wear the slip dress"

"But the dress is kind of short"

"Stass", I groaned. "You're fucking killing me. You asked me for my opinion, and I gave it"

"Right", she sighed. "Sorry. I'm just... I got this owl from Adrian this morning"

"What did he say?"

"He said that it's hard being with me when I live so far away. It feels like the end of fifth year all over again", she said throwing herself on her bed. "I think he's going to break up with me"

"Don't say that", I said sitting on Stass's bed. "Adrian's probably busy with all of his classes and quidditch practice"

"You and Louis are practically pen pals and you two seem to make things work"

"Stass", I said rubbing her back. "You and Adrian are going to be fine. How about this? We go to the party, get some drinks in us, and then apparate to Ilvermorny to see the boys. I've been dying to see Louis"

Stass perked up and lifted her face up from her pillow. She sat up in her bed, fixing her hair.

"You would break like fifty school rules for me?", she asked.

"Of course. You're my best friend, Stass. I wouldn't want to apparate to a completely different continent for anyone else", I said wrapping my arms around her shoulders and hugging her tightly.

"You're the best", she said kissing my cheek. "Now, let's get ready to go get drunk and see our boyfriends"

"I don't think apparating drunk is a good idea"

"Well... we'll just get tipsy", she said getting up from the bed. Stass grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up from her bed.

I changed out of my oversized Ilvermorny Quidditch Team t-shirt into a black baby tee and a zebra printed silk mini skirt with a pair of crocodile knee high black platform boots. Stass wore her black silk dress with a pair of knee high black boots, similar to mine. We both wore our friendship bracelets around our wrists and our silver Slytherin house rings.

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