walk of shame

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The beaming morning sun shined from the window into the cold guest room of the Nott Mansion. I pried my eyes open, trying to readjust to the sunlight shining into my eyes. The view of the door to the bedroom was blurry and so were my clothes, which was neatly folded on top of the nightstand. I shut my eyes and rolled over to the other side of the bed, accidentally hitting someone with my arm. My eyes instantly pried open again. Laying next to me was Draco with one arm supporting his head and the other reaching towards me. No. No. No. No.

I grabbed the duvet and lifted it up, looking to see if I still had clothes on. Underneath the duvet was my naked body. This did not fucking happen. Please, please, please. Stella, please tell me you didn't sleep with Draco. Please just be naked because you got hot in the middle of the night.

I quietly, slid out of bed and started to put my clothes back on. Draco's soft snores echoed through out the large guest room. The sounds of him moving around in bed made me anxious that I'm going to wake him up with the noises coming from my heavy platform boots.

Last night, Draco and I both had a lot to drink. I clearly don't remember sleeping with him and I am hoping that he doesn't remember either. The last thing I need is for Draco to remember us having sex just a few days after telling me that he thinks we need time and space from each other. The only way to go about this situation is for me to walk out now before he wakes up and pretend like this didn't just happen.

Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. The last thing I recall from last night is Draco carrying me out of the dining room and getting into an argument because he kept on trying to control my actions. What could've happened is he convinced me to calm down and put me to bed, like he used to do when I got too drunk. My clothes were neatly folded on the nightstand so he probably just helped me sleep off the alcohol. I probably woke up this morning naked because I got hot throughout the night and Draco is probably sleeping next to me because he got tired.

I picked my boots up from the floor and quietly walked on the tips of my toes to the door, slowly turning the door knob. I slowly shut the door behind me and fast walked down the hall full of plastic cups and trash bags.

"You're up", Theo said turning the corner and walking towards me. "Doing the walk of shame, I see", he chuckled.

"I don't want to talk about it", I pouted.

"Who's in there?"

"Please, let's talk about something else"

"You slept with Draco, didn't you?", he asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. I looked down at the floor and started to twirl my hair in between my finger tips. "Stella", he sighed. "Why did you do that?"

"I didn't mean to, well... I don't even know if I did. Maybe it's all innocent and we both fell asleep"

"Did you 'fall asleep' with your clothes off?"


"You two totally fucked", he said picking up an empty beer can from the floor and throwing it towards me. "Alex told me last night that you told him you love him and he just left. You can't just have sex with him after something like that"

"I know", I groaned. "That's why I'm really hoping nothing happened last night"

"Hooking up with Draco is just going to make him think that he has you wrapped around his finger. He's going to take advantage of that"

"But what if he doesn't"

"Stell", he sighed. "I know Draco more than you do. This is what he does to every girl he hooks up with. He gets them fall, hooks up with them, then gets them to worship him at his feet"

"That explains Pansy", I said rolling my eyes.

"Yup, because he did the exact same thing to her. I don't want you to get hurt, Stell. Your feelings for Draco are real and when you fall, you fall hard. Draco just isn't the kind of bloke to easily fall in love"

"Are you saying I've been played the past year?"

"No... I'm just saying be careful. Draco did tell me he's in love with you, but he went off to create this elaborate plan with Pansy to split you and Louis up. It's kind of hard to tell"

"You think?", I scoffed. "Draco is so hot and cold, I never know where I am at with him. He shows up at my house on Christmas Eve with Pansy and then the day after Christmas, he shows up and said that I gave up on us. Even after telling him that I never gave up and I love him, he just fucking left"

"Aw, I'm sorry", he said placing his head on my shoulder.

"I don't need your pity, Theo"

"It's just hard seeing you like this. You've been going through a tough time emotionally since the day Draco left you for doing pub crawls with us boys. You immediately jumped into a relationship with Louis to feel something because you were so numb when Draco told you that he though being with you was a waste of his time"

"I can't tell if you're rooting for Draco and I or not"

"I'm rooting for you. All I care about is you, Stella. I just want you to think long and hard before you jump into bed with Draco again"

"Maybe I just need space from him. It worked out well for us"

"Protect your heart, Stell", he said wrapping his arms around me. Theo cradled my head with his hand, holding me close to his chest. "You don't deserve all of this heart break"

"Nott!", Draco shouted from the guest bedroom.

"Shit", I said pulling away from Theo. "I have to go. Draco cannot see me here"

"Get home safely", he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I will"

"Love you"

Wow. It's been awhile since I heard that come from Theo's mouth.

"Love you too"

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