summer loving

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The sounds of the songbirds singing outside of my window woke me up and the bright summer sun was beaming into my bedroom through my thick velvet curtains. I let out a deep sigh and rubbed my tired eyes, readjusting to the sunlight. I stretched my arms out and turned to face him, my beautiful boyfriend, Theodore Nott. His cheeks were pressed against my silk pillows and his brown waves fell in front of his face, touching his thick bushy eyebrows. I traced his sharp jawline lightly with the tip of my finger, admiring how peaceful he looks asleep.

"Morning, beautiful", Theo said with his raspy morning. He dug his face into my neck and kissed my jaw. His arms wrapped around my waist and he held onto me tightly. "What time is it?"

I turned over to my nightstand and looked at my alarm clock. "It's nine"

"Ugh", he groaned. "I don't want summer to be over. I just want to lay here in bed, with you"

"My parents are getting awfully suspicious", I said running my hand through his curls and staring into his blue eyes.

"Oh really?", he chuckled.

"Yes. They think it's strange that you magically come over before nine every morning for the past two weeks"

"I did come magically before nine... via portkey", he smirked. "We've been dating for over seven years, you would think they'd be used to it by now"

"I don't think my father will like knowing his 'little girl' is sneaking her boyfriend before dawn"

"She's been doing more than just sneaking her boyfriend in", he smirked.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth", I said throwing the duvet off my body and swung my legs off my bed.

"Oh, come on", he groaned, grabbing my arm. "Stay in a little longer"

"We have to meet my parents downstairs for breakfast. I rather them watch us walk down the stairs together instead of catching us in bed", I said kissing his cheek and then grabbing both of his hands. I laughed as I attempted to drag Theo out of bed but he just dug his face into my sheets. "Alright, then. I give up", I said letting go of his hands.

I walked across my bedroom and into my bathroom. My feet touched the cold marble tiles and sent shivers all over my body. Right as I reached for my toothbrush, Theo wrapped his arms around my torso and kissed my cheek. His muscular arms and toned bare body pressed against mine, sending all the shivers away. I grabbed Theo's toothbrush and put toothpaste on it before popping it in his mouth.

Right as I spit my toothpaste into the sink, Theo swiped his toothbrush on my cheek, leaving a trail of toothpaste. I quickly rinsed my mouth and cupped the water in my hands, throwing it in his face. Water dripped down his chest, streaming in between his toned torso.

"Game on, Blackwood", Theo said rinsing his mouth out.

"I don't think you can handle me, Nott"

Theo grabbed my toothpaste and squirted it all over my slip dress while I splashed him water from the sink. He picked me up by waist and sat me down on my bathroom counter. I picked up some of the toothpaste off my slip and wiped it on his cheek. He reached over to the sink and cupped the water into his hand, throwing the water in my face. Water streamed down my chin and soaked my dress.

"I don't think I can go downstairs looking like this", I said looking down at my slip dress.

"You're right. You look better with it off", Theo cooed, grabbing the bottom of my dress and slipping it over my head. He threw my soaking wet slip in the corning of my bathroom and began to kiss my bare chest.

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