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"Morning, love", Stass said gently shaking my shoulders. I pried my eyes open to her pity filled face. I can tell how sorry she feels for me by just looking in her brown eyes. "I can stay in with you and not go to class if you want"

"No", I said sitting up in my bed. White crumbled tissues started to roll off of my duvet as I sat up. "I just want to continue my day like usual and pretend like I didn't catch my boy- my ex boyfriend snogging another girl"

"Well... I have just the right thing that will make you forget yesterday's events", she said holding up a little bag with blue tablets, waving it in my face. Oh miss molly, I've missed you. "Open up", Stass said taking a tablet out and placing it on my tongue.

"We're going on a trip", I chuckled as she popped the molly in her mouth.

"We sure are"

Stass and I got out of bed and got ready for school as fast as we can before the molly kicks in and get us too high to know the difference between our left and right shoe. Right as we walked out of the common room doors, the molly started to kick in and a wave of happiness and lust started to take over my body. Now, all I could think about is someone throwing me against the walls of the Entrance Hall and just fucking the shit out of me.

When we entered the Great Hall, Stass and I skipped over to the Slytherin dining table and sat down for breakfast with Alex, Blaise, and Draco. Sitting a few seats over eating breakfast alone was Theo. He looked so pathetic just sitting by himself, picking at his bowl of oatmeal while his friends were sitting with me. Not my fault he's a cheating little bitch.

"How are you feeling?", Alex asked reaching for my hand from across the table.

"I feel fan fucking tastic. Never been better", I smiled.

"Stass, did you take the molly from my nightstand?", Blaise asked. "You knew I was saving it"

"I know, B, but our girl Stella needs it", Stass said throwing her arm around my shoulder. "I mean, just look at her. She has bags under her eyes from crying herself to sleep"

"Fine", he groaned. "Only because Stell is going through a break up"

"Thanks, B. You're the best", she said blowing Blaise an air kiss.

"Well, do you have it? It's no fun watching you two get high". Stass pulled the bag out of robe and put it on the table, placing her napkin right on top and sliding it over to Blaise across the table. He took the bag of drugs off the table and handed a tablet to each boy. All three of the boys took the molly and washed it down with their orange juice.

"Dray, Slughorn is gonna know you're rolling when we get to Potions with your blue ass eyes", I chuckled.

"Shit", Alex laughed. "Can't wait for that howler from Narcissa"

"What do you think it's going to say? 'Draco, dear. I am so disappointed in you. No more sleeping with your favorite teddy bear'", Blaise laughed.

"Oh just wait until Lucius gets on that howler. 'No more using my purple shampoo for your hair'". Alex and Blaise were dying of laughter, slamming their fists on the table, getting the attention of everyone in Slytherin.

"Shut up", Draco snarled. "I don't sleep with a teddy bear and use purple shampoo"

After breakfast, Blaise, Draco, and I walked downstairs to the dungeons for Potions while Alex and Stass went to History of Magic with Professor Binns. When we got to our classroom, the three us sat at our usual table in the back. Theo entered the room with his low and sat at table by himself. Now I feel bad. Theo shouldn't have to sit alone because of me. Maybe I should go and sit with him or have one of the boys do it. It's so sad seeing him like this.

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