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I woke up with a pounding headache and a burning sensation in my stomach. I turned over to my side and saw Draco's platinum blonde hair falling in front of his face, covering his eyes. His mouth was slightly ajar and soft snores left his lips. The sunlight coming into his bedroom through the thick curtains lit up the silver rings on his fingers. I started to trace the engraving on his signet ring with the Malfoy Family crest and then moved onto his silver Gucci band.

"Good morning", Draco said softly.

Fuck. His morning voice is so cute.

"Did you sleep okay?", he asked sliding his hand from underneath my pillow.

"Yeah, you?"

"I forgot how much you toss and turn in your sleep"

"I'm sorry. Did that keep you up?"

"I was just teasing, Stell, you slept like a baby. That vodka knocked you out. For a moment, I was scared you'd stop breathing", he chuckled.

"How bad was I last night?"

"You almost got into a fist fight with Theo and I'm pretty sure, Daphne Greengrass hates you even more than she already does after you decided to play beer pong your way"

"Well, at least I wasn't drunk making out with a random guy at midnight"

"Yeah", he sighed. Draco threw his duvet off his body and got out of bed. He raised his arms and stretched his shoulders, flexing his toned torso. "Like what you see?", he smirked.

"Shut up", I scoffed, throwing his pillow at him.

"As much as I would love having a little pillow fight with you right, we have to go brush our teeth". Draco grabbed both of my hands and dragging me out of his bed over to his bathroom. My feet touched the cold marble tile floors as I followed him over to his sink. He grabbed a new toothbrush from his drawer, applying toothpaste to the toothbrush and handing it me.

This is starting to feel a little too reminiscent of my mornings with Theo when he would sleep over during the summer. The only thing that's missing is morning sex on the bathroom counter and toothpaste all over my body. I need to stop thinking about Theo when I'm with Draco, it feels wrong.

"I'm going to go downstairs and make us some breakfast", Draco said rinsing his mouth out.

"Okay... I'll meet you down there"

It's hard not to think about Theo because I did everything with him. My life was once revolved around him and now when I do something remotely affectionate with Draco, I'm reminded of my past relationship with Theo. It's not like I haven't moved on, it's just that doing things I used to do with Theo kills my mood. Seeing new people would be a hundred times better if someone where to obliviate every single memory I have with Theo that pertains to our relationship.

After I rinsed out my mouth, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Draco was making some tea and had breakfast set out in the breakfast nook. I took a seat at the table and grabbed some fruit, putting it on my plate. Draco poured some tea into my teacup and sat down in the seat across from me.

"Can I ask you something?", I asked.

"Um... sure", Draco said pouring himself some tea.

"Theo said something to me at the Snowflake Ball and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since"

"What did he say"

"I'm sure it was just nothing. He probably was just-"

"Spit it out, Stell", he groaned.

endgame ✦ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now