new beginnings

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    After I left Draco at the top of the stairs last night, I went directly into my dorm room and went straight to bed. Stass was asking me all these questions about why I was taking so long but I couldn't handle thinking about Draco for one more second. Knowing Stass, she would make me talk about my feelings and I don't want to do that before I have to go to bed. Even when we woke up this morning she was asking questions. I think Stass knows that something happened between Draco and I last night and is trying to get it out of me. My only focus for today is to show up to class prepared and ready to show Ilvermorny why they should accept me, not Draco Malfoy's habit of doing as he pleases.

    As we ate breakfast in the Great Hall, the owls came flying in, dropping off letters and parcels. An owl dropped off a sealed envelope in my hands. I saw my name written with neatly and I flipped it over, opening the envelope with the knife on the table. I pulled the letter out and began to read it.

    My Dearest Stella,

    It's currently two in the morning here in Massachusetts, but I wanted to write to you before your classes begin. I'm wishing you the best last first day of school and can't wait to hear about it later tonight. Don't hesitate to send me an owl if you need help with your schoolwork or need someone to go over your Ilvermorny application. Inside the envelope is my quidditch practice and match schedule. I'm counting down the days until I can see you again, Mon Chéri.

With Love,

Louis T. Argent III

    "Goodness, Stella. You're blushing from Louis's letter", Stass said nudging my arm with her elbow.

    "He's just really sweet", I said folding the letter back up and slipping it into my envelope. I then pulled out the second piece of parchment, opening it up to look at Louis's schedule. "Look what Louis sent", I said showing Stass the schedule.

    "Thank Merlin for Louis. I've been asking Adrian for his quidditch schedule"

    "Isn't it late over there?", Alex asked.

    "It's two in the morning"

    "Wow, he must really like you"

    "He said he wanted to write to me before class"

    "Look at you, Stella. You got the bloke wrapped around your finger all the way across the Atlantic", Blaise said from across the table.

    "Louis is sweet like that"

    "Oh, please", Draco scoffed. "He just wrote you a stupid letter"

    I picked up an orange from the table and threw it across the table at Draco. Right as Draco was about to pick it up and throw the orange back at me, Theo grabbed both of his wrist.

    "We're not about to have another food fight", Theo said snatching the orang from Draco's hand. "It's a new year and you should stop starting food fights with your exes"

    "Maybe if my exes where assholes I wouldn't feel the need to want to throw shit at them"

    "Who are you going to throw shit at next, Stella? Blaise? Alex? Maybe even Stass? You seem to like to go around the table", Draco sneered.

    Stass picked up a handful of blueberries from her plate and threw it at Draco. "How about you put something in your mouth that isn't your foot. After what you did to Stella, you deserve to get hit by more than just fruit"

    "What did he do?", Theo asked looking back and forth between Draco and I.

    Did Draco not tell the boys why we broke up? Why would he do that? No wonder they were all weirded out when they met Louis for the first time.

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