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   "Get the fuck up, Stell. You can't just stay in the flat all day", Stass said tugging on my arm.

    "Yes. I. Can"

    "I get it. Draco completely fucked you over before leaving for Italy but that doesn't mean you have to stay in bed all day. We're in the city of love"

    "Fuck love", I pouted.

    "You don't mean that", she said rolling her eyes.

    "Yes I fucking do"

    "Stella Cordelia Blackwood, if you don't get your ass out of bed, I will drag you out myself and then throw your favorite Prada boots off the balcony. I'm sure a nice homeless Muggle would love them"   

    "Go ahead. I hate them"

    "You love them", she said tilting her head.

    "I do love them", I sighed.

    I forced myself to sit up and pulled my messy hair into a low ponytail, not having a care for what I look like. "I should have told him I loved him"

    "What Draco did wasn't your fault"

    "Yes it was. If I had told him that I loved him, he wouldn't have ditched me before leaving for Florence"

    "Again, not your fault"

    "I waited for him. I fucking waited for him like an idiot"

    "You're not an idiot"

    "Ugh!", I groaned loudly, throwing my head back. "Everything was going so well during cotillion and then he just bails on me"

    "Draco Malfoy is an ass, what's new? You can't loose sleep or sunlight over him, Stella"

    "Just when I thought I was about to let him in, he-"

    "Enough!", Stass shouted, cutting me off. "I'm sick of hearing you talk about him and I'm sick of seeing you upset. Get your ass out of bed, wear your tallest Louboutins, and let's go find you a cute French boy"

    "Boys are the last thing on my mind, Stass"

    "You know what your issue is? You fall way too soon. You get obsessed with the idea of a relationship and when it doesn't go your way, you get disappointed. This French boy will just be apart of a little game"

    "I just want to stay in and eat macaroons"

    "Fine. I didn't want to do this but I have to"

    Stass walked over to my nightstand, grabbing the glass of water and throwing it in my face.

    "What the fuck!", I yelped as the cold water dripped down my face and chest, soaking my  silk pajamas.

    "Now you have an excuse to peel your ass off that bed", she scoffed.

    I rolled my eyes and threw my soaking wet duvet off of my body. I swung my legs off of my bed and walked into the bathroom to change out of my wet pajamas and get ready for the day.

    After I finished getting ready, I walked out of my bedroom in family's Paris flat, I met Stass at the door. She wore a red mini dress with a pair of black heels, matching my black Chanel twill set.

    "We're going to go to the Louvre so you can find a cute artistic French boy", she said hooking her arm onto mine. Stass disapparated us out of the flat and to the busy streets of Paris.        

    We arrived in front of the Louvre, a beautiful Fresh Renaissance palace that was even bigger than Malfoy Manor. Dozens of Muggles filled the front of the building and young Muggle children ran around, chasing each other. The bright summer sun beamed onto the glass window panes of the Pyramid, lighting up the main entrance to the museum.

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