the slug club

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 "What are you wearing for dinner with Slughorn?", Stass asked, laying down in her bed on her stomach, flipping through her Vogue magazine. "You should dress like a complete slore so you're covered for Potions for the rest of the year", she joked.

"No way. I am not going to be responsible for Slughorn's stiff wand", I laughed.

"Look at the new couture runway looks for this season", she said holding up the magazine. I got up from my bed and walked over to Stass's bed, laying down on my stomach next to her. "I'm so asking daddy to get me this", she said pointing at a pair of Saint Laurent pumps.

I looked over at Stass's nightstand to check the time on her antique clock. It was already six and the dinner at Slughorn's is at seven. "Ugh", I groaned, "I have to start getting ready". I swung my legs off her bed and walked over to my wardrobe. Luckily, I packed a ton of clothes so I have a shit ton of outfits to choose from. "Seriously, Stass. What should I wear?"

"Wear something 'proper', like a cardigan or something"

I went through ever dress I wore and every one, Stass shocked her head and said it wasn't "good enough". The time was 6:30 and I still didn't have an outfit to wear. Stuffed in the corner of my wardrobe was a cream cable knit jumper so I grabbed it with a white button up and a white pleated skirt from my dresser. I grabbed my Dior B23 High-Top trainers and slipped them on. I looked in the mirror, examining my outfit of choice. I would never wear this but I have to look my best.

"You should wear the Cartier watch you dad got you", Stass suggested. I opened my jewelry box sitting on my dresser and put on the gold wristwatch my father got me on my gold heart locket necklace Theo got me for our anniversary our fourth year. I turned around to face Stass and she gave me two thumbs up. "Perfect. You look like you're favorite past time is volunteering at the Library for Madam Pince"

"Why thank you", I winked. "I'm gonna go see Theo before I go"

"Alright, have fun. Let me know how it goes"

"I will", I said opening the door. "Love you"

"Love you too, bitch", she said blowing me a kiss as I walked out the door.

I walked up the stairs and crossed the Slytherin common room to the boys' dormitories downstairs. Down the flight of stairs to the right was the door to Alex, Blaise, and Draco's dorm room. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come open the door. When the door opened, Alex was standing behind it, wearing a black blazer, white shirt, and black dress trousers. Blaise was standing behind him, wearing a black shirt with black trousers. I entered the room and walked over to Theo's bed, where he was sitting in his bed.

"Hey, baby", Theo said reaching his arms out to me and wrapping them around my waist. "You look beautiful"

"Thank you", I said kissing the top of his head and running my fingers through his soft hair. "I wish you could come"

"Like you said, my letter is coming soon", he said with a soft smile.

"Stell, put in a good word for me?", Draco asked from his bed. "Father sent me an owl today asking me if I got into Slug Club. I can't dodge his owls forever"

"Don't worry, Dray. I'll make you look so pure, Satan will be weeping from hell"

"Joke all you want, being apart of the Slug Club is important to me"

"Let's go", Alex said tapping my shoulder. "We don't want to be late"

"Alright", I sighed. "Love you"

"Love you too". Theo said kissing my lips.

Blaise, Alex, and I walked out of their dorm room and upstairs to Slughorn's office on the sixth floor. When we entered the room, there were two large sofas by the fireplace, Slughorn's desk, his shelf full of photos of previous Slug Club members and Hogwarts alumni, and a large round dining table where students who were invited sat. I followed the boys to the dining table and sat down in between Alex and Ginny Weasley, who sat next to Harry Potter.

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