study session

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It's been a month since Stass and I first started our Polyjuice Potion and it's almost ready, which means it's almost time to traumatize Draco for the rest of his life. Every time he scoffs at me or "accidentally" spills his potion on me during class, I just remind myself that soon, he will rue the day he started fucking with me.

While we were doing our homework in the library, I took it upon myself to get my plan jumpstarted. In order to get Draco alone, I'm going to toy around with him for a letting bit, just to get him wrapped around my finger. After phase one, Stass will take over for phase two. She still hasn't told me who she got to take the polyjuice potion for us but I trust that she has someone good.

Our seating arrangement that Stass and I have set up is her sitting across from me in between Draco and Theo. We the two boys across from me, we don't have to worry any one of them messing up our plan. Stass is going to be able to keep Theo in check while I get to work on Draco.

"Hey, Stell", Stass said from across the table. "Can you help me with this? I'm stuck on a question on my History of Magic assignment"

"I can help", Alex said getting up from his seat.

"No. I want Stella. Sorry, Black, but she's smarter"

"She's not even in the class"

"Yeah... but she got an 'O' on her O.W.L.s"

"Rude", he mumbled under his breath.

I got up from my seat and walked over to Stass. On my way over to her, I purposely dropped my quill right beside Draco. He turned his head and looked at me. I slowly bent over to pick the quill up from the ground, making sure I could feel the back of my skirt rising.

When I cam back up from the ground, Draco was looking directly at me with his mouth slightly open. His eyes stayed on me as I walked by him to Stass. I put my hand on the table, bending over Stass's shoulder. I pulled my hair over to the side so that the nape of my neck was exposed, Draco's weakness. Earlier, I made sure to unbutton my shirt enough so that when I bend over, he could see into my shirt. I also didn't wear bra today just to add an extra flair.

As I helped Stass with her very intermediate homework, I could feel Draco's eyes on my chest, still trying to process me bending over in front of him. In the corner of my eye, I could see him gripping his quill tightly, almost snapping it in half.

Before I could finish helping Stass with her homework, Draco grabbed my wrist.

"Stella, I need your help with finding a book for Charms", he said looking at me directly in my eyes.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've got him.

"I think Theo could help you. I'm still helping Stass"

"I need your help, now", he said through his teeth.

"It's alright, Stell. Alex can help me while you're gone", Stass winked.

Draco held onto my wrist tightly and dragged me away from the study table our group was sitting at in the library. He sped walked down the aisles of the bookshelves, making it impossible for my short legs to catch up with his long ones.

When we got to the Extinct Creatures section of the library, Draco grabbed my waist and picked me up, placing me onto of the table. He wrapped his hand around my neck and started to kiss me, running his free hand up my inner thigh. I felt his could fingers touch me through my silk panties, rubbing my clit in a circle motion.

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep myself from moaning and give Draco the satisfaction of giving me pleasure. Draco pulled my legs apart with his hand and stood in between them. He pulled my panties to the side and rubbed my clit more before slipping his finger inside of me.

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