wish come true

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   Today is the day I get back on the Hogwarts Express and back to school to finish the second half of my sixth year. My parents accompanied me to Platform 9 3/4 with Draco and his parents. Our fathers talked about the Ministry, again, and our mothers talked about the Annual Hogwarts Cotillion. Both of our mothers are heads of the planning committee for the cotillion and will be throwing the event at Malfoy Manor.

    Since I was a little girl, my parents always talked about how important cotillion is because every witch and wizard in their sixth year is being presented to society. The cotillion is pretty much an event where we all make connections to those who work at the Ministry and big named families, usually Purebloods. It's a way for all of us to put our names our there for letters of recommendation for universities, internships, and for our future careers. My father insists I make good connections at the event with the Ministry of Magic because he doesn't want the Ministry to "forget the Blackwood name".

    Now that Draco and I are somewhat "together", I'm probably going to be attending the cotillion with him. I always thought I was going to have Theo as my escort but for obvious reasons, he won't be anymore. The way my mother made cotillion sound, I had to have an escort with a prestigious pureblood last name. She made it seem like attending the event with someone "less than" would "break" me in wizarding society. To me, the cotillion is pretty much my family's Snowflake Ball but instead of being held on Christmas Eve, it's during the spring. I don't think it's that big of a deal but my mother thinks different. Ever since the Snowflake Ball, she's been asking me a million questions about Draco and if we're dating or not. I just think my mother cares more about whether or not he will be escorting me to cotillion than my actual love life.

    "Stella, honey. Give me a kiss before you go", my mother said opening her arms.

    "Mummy, I'm not going to war", I said walking into her arms and hugging her.

    "I know, dear, but I still would love a hug from you", she said kissing my cheek. "Now, write me owls telling me all about you and Draco"

    "I am not doing that", I said letting go of her. "I will write you about my classes"

    "Oh, fine", she groaned. "Has Draco asked to be your escort to cotillion yet?"

    "No, mother, he hasn't it and it's months away"

    "Stella, Draco is a Malfoy. If you don't get him to be your escort soon, you're going to be stuck being escorted by Vincent or Gregory"

    "I am not going to cotillion with Crabbe or Goyle"

    "Well, you better talk to Draco, then. I could talk to Narcissa and-"

    "No", I said cutting her off. "Having my mother ask someone else's just for a date to a ball is embarrassing. I'll figure it out with Draco. As of right now, we're just friends"

    "Honey, you know he likes you. You just need to give him a little push"

    "I'm not pushing anyone and..."

    "And what? He's so sweet to you and treats you like a princess"

    "Okay, I'm done talking about this"

    "Oh, alright", she sighed. "I love you"

    "Love you too, mummy"

    My father turned around from Lucius and walked over to me, giving me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head. "Focus on your studies, you hear me?"

    "Yes, daddy. As of right now, I'm standing pretty close to the top of my class"


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